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Thread: Please help! Need advice for a 4 month old grey not moving back legs

  1. #1
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    Default Please help! Need advice for a 4 month old grey not moving back legs

    Hi I was brought a 4 month old grey that is not moving back legs. The lady that was raising it (raised it since it was a few days old) said he was fine til he jump down from a 3 foot counter onto hard wood floor. Said he instantly started dragging back legs . I have raised squirrels however I'm not experienced with this particular problem. when I asked her about the diet, she said he just weaned himself off the bottle a little over two weeks ago. Said she started with Pedialyte for the first 15 hours and then was feeding him esibilac puppy formula but would have to stop formula and feed homemade formula because he was having such bad diarrhea. Said she has been feeding a variety of veggies such as sweet potatoes, squash, roman lettuce, avocado, tomatoes, blueberries, apples since then. I asked about blocks but she seemed to not know what I was talking about so i will assume that is a no 😔 I asked if she fed any nuts or seeds and she responded yes within the past week . Said she given him a few small pieces of pecans along with a few pieces that she had to put small amounts of kaipectate on due to long term runny stool within the past week.

    I'm pretty sure there is no rehabber in my area.. What should I do for him. Is there something to look for to determine the injury? Any meds I can provide to help ? Any advice is greatly appreciated.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Please help! Need advice for a 4 month old grey not moving back legs

    It sounds like you are edging toward what is a very likely culprit - MBD. Sketchy diet, no blocks, recently weaned from formula - they are all big red flags.

    Do the legs work at all? If you pinch his toes, does he pull away? Any movement at all with the tail?

    I would start him on calcium immediately. Regular calcium supplements for humans are usually not a good choice - squirrels need Vitamin D but the amounts in human supplements if too high for them. The easiest thing to do is to buy some Tums FRUIT flavored (rodents hate peppermint) tablets - or the store brand equivalent. The "1000mg Tums" have 400mg of elemental calcium in them and that is what I think you should start getting into him daily. So that would be 1 tablet a day. You want to divide it into multiple smaller doses through the day, not just one big dose. Grind and sprinkle on other food, dissolve in a little water and syringe it into him - whatever it takes.

    It is also possible that he legitimately injured himself - it is a big danger with MBD. It affects the muscles ability to work properly so it is really easy for them to make a jump that they should be easily able to land and miss completely because what worked yesterday suddenly doesn't.

    Di you possibly have access to prednisone or prednisolone?

  3. Serious fuzzy thank you's to CritterMom from:

    island rehabber (07-01-2024)

  4. #3
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    Default Re: Please help! Need advice for a 4 month old grey not moving back legs

    Yes I have Prednisone.. I'm not exactly sure on my. I'm at work at the moment . I'm m actually trying to leave we early so that I can get home to him . This just breaks my heart ... I'm willing to try and do what I can to help him.Hes such a sweetie.. I've done some research to see if there is a rehabber in my area, however I could not find one.

    Yes he is able to move his tail. At least it looked like it early this morning because he had it curled up around himself and over his head. As soon as I get home I will try to pinch his toes to see if I get a response.

    So he has a sister that came with him, should I be concerned with her health?
    Last edited by Shellbee; 06-26-2024 at 08:26 AM. Reason: Added info

  5. #4
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    Default Re: Please help! Need advice for a 4 month old grey not moving back legs

    Yes, I would put her on the same calcium dosages as he will be on. I will watch the thread - let us know what the legs look like as far as if you can get any reaction from them and start getting the calcium (tums) into him stat. Do you have a syringe? If the decision is made to use prednisone, we would need his weight and the size in milligrams of the pills you have, you would need a 1ml syringe without a needle but with nice clear markings to follow any dosing instructions we give you.

    When you are at the drugstore, pick up a bottle of infant ibuprophen - there is a childs version, don't get it - get the infant. Get a store brand by all means - they are usually fruit flavored and they often like it which makes dosing easier. You will end up using either that OR the prednisone, not the two together.

  6. #5
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    Default Re: Please help! Need advice for a 4 month old grey not moving back legs

    Hi Shellbee:
    As CM mentioned, I too strongly suspect that BOTH Squirrels should be considered to have Metabolic Bone Disease (MBD) from what appears to be a far less than ideal diet! This results from an absolute insufficient intake of Calcium or excessive phosphorus in the diet (there are many phosphorus containing foods and phosphorus works AGAINST the body's ability to use Calcium) or what is usually, a combination of these two factors. Please STOP use of any treats, nuts (these are treats to captive Squirrels), fruits and the like. I would recommend immediately ordering a supply of Henry's Healthy Blocks (HHB) (the Picky Blocks seem to be a favorite) for several rerasons. One is that MBD usually causes a decrease in appetite and ONLY TWO HENRY'S BLOCKS (maximum of 3) contains ALL of the constituents of a complete daily diet including a full daily requirement of Elemental Calcium (Henry's states that 2 HHBs contain 275mg of Elemental Calcium and this is ideal for daily maintenance requirements BUT Squirrels with MBD need extra Elemental Calcium to replenish Calcium lost from the bones by the disease. This can be provided by Formula, Tums (early on until another source of calcium is obtained), adding an additional Calcium source such as the Calcium Carbonate sold by Henry's. Do NOT get any Calcium source (such as the Calcium Carbonate) that contains Vitamin D as this is really for humans and contains excessive Vitamin D. The Squirrels will get plenty of Vitamin D from the Henry's Blocks.

    Full resolution of MBD takes months but improvement in symptoms often is seen in the first few days! As to you Squirrel who sustained the fall; MBD can make fractures much more likely to occur and a spinal fractrure with nerve involvement is certainly possible. MBD can in itself cause hind quarters weakness or paralysis but since this seems associated with the fall, I strongly suspect an injury. It may be spinal shock to some degree but as I mentioned, there may also be fracture(s) and or nerve damage! Ideally, in a case such as this, the Squirrel should have an x-ray study of at least the spine in two views. That would need to be performed by a Squirrel Friendly Veterinarian!

    Is your injured Squirrel peeing and pooping normally? If so, these are good signs. If the Squirrel is retaining urine (not peeing) or retaining stool as sometimes happens with nerve involvement (if that is what is going on), this is an Emergency and means must be utilized to most urgently help with draining urine to prevent rupture of the bladder and/or buildup of pressure in the urine drainage system which can also damage the kidneys.

    I am providing a link to Henry's Pets information page on Metabolic Bone Disease (MBD) ( ) and to Henry's Emergency Treatment plan for MBD;
    ( ). Please read through this. It is very informative and the treatment plan while really very simple is presented in a manner to help easily understand it and put it into action immediately!

    IF this is not MBD, following the Emergency Treatment for MBD is not going to be be harmful and if this is MBD, the treatment can literally be life saving! Also, even if this is not MBD, NOW is the time to begin utilizing a proper diet which should consist of at least 80% quality Blocks such HHBs, Teklad 2018, Mazuri Rat and Mouse Diet or Oxbow Regal Rat Diet.

    Please keep on with the updates!


  7. Serious fuzzy thank you's to SamtheSquirrel2018 from:

    Shellbee (06-26-2024)

  8. #6
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    Default Re: Please help! Need advice for a 4 month old grey not moving back legs

    Thank you SamtheSquirrel, for all of the help ur providing. I greatly appreciate it. Ok so I have a squirrel that I raised since a baby so I already have the Henry's blocks . He nibbled on one last night/early this morning. The sister ate a whole one. No issue with them getting any treats as far as nuts. I don't let my squirrel have them so they won't be getting any either. They are not beneficial for them so we don't give them any.

    As soon as I get home or my fiance gets home we will check to see if we can get a response by pinching the toes. As I mentioned earlier, I do believe that he can control his tail but will also confirm.

    As for the meds I have a ton of syringes, all different sizes but I do have 1ml syringes . I have liquid infant ibuprofen also. I will confirm the mg of the Prednisone once I'm home. Along with his weight.on my lunch I will be ordering the calcium from Henry's. Hopefully it will get here quickly otherwise I can just use the tums correct?

    I can confirm that he is pooping because I had to clean him up early this morning. When I asked the lady to explain to me exactly what happened she did say once he jumped and she realized he wasn't on she picked him up and he was actively pooping and peeing. Not sure if that a bad or good thing. She said he has had diarrhea a lot since she had him as a baby. He currently has diarrhea. I really hope he is ok while I'm at work today.. ia he ok to still be in with his sister? She very active, j just don't want her to hurt him in any way. But they are so close so I worry to split them up.

    Last thing Im not sure if I can find a vet ir a rehabber in my area. If we can find one I'm more than willing to get him there!

    This just pulls on all my heart strings . I wish people were more educated about mbd.. I really do. It's so sad.

    Thank you for ur advice and spreading ur knowledge. I will get back to u with all the info you need .

  9. #7
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    Default Re: Please help! Need advice for a 4 month old grey not moving back legs

    Papi is putting a little weight on his legs 🙂
    -I returned home from work around 430ish to find Papi looking better. He went from scooting across the floor to now putting weight on both legs. I can see that he is lifting them with each step . Just a very small amount of weight but definitely better than last night. When I was watching him lay down, he curled into a little ball, he did struggle a little but that makes me think that he has a little bit of muscle control, right?

    I did pinch his toes/foot at that time and he didn't seem to notice nor did he move. Think maybe I need to give more of a pinch. Maybe I'm being to easy?

    Just doesn't add up that he is putting a little bit of weight on his legs now, yet he has no feeling?? He has control over his tail. Hopefully that's a good sign.

    - I called a few vets that were near by and one out of four basically gave me the same answer. Basically they response was that they don't treat wildlife. However the one that does treat squirrels, I'm a little iffy about. A friend of mine had taken a sick baby squirrel there in the past. They took the baby to the back and wouldn't let her go back. 20 min or so went by and they came out and said they had to euthanize it, as in they did it then came out and told her. I'm not comfortable with taking him there unless I have no choice. Are you aware of any that would treat him in my area? I'm willing to drive a good ways if need be.

    When I got home and he started to get up he was actively pooping.I still can not confirm if he is peeing. Any advice ?

    Thank you for the link to the MBD info. I did read through it. I also ordered the calcium and I ordered a bag of the picky blocks. I currently have some blocks, just not the flavor picky eaters. It won't be here for 2-3 days so I am providing the ones I currently have. He is eating, not as much as his sister does but enough that I'm comfortable with saying he should not be hungry after he ate his dinner. However his water intake didn't make me as happy. I will continue to offer him his water. Hopefully he will start to drink more

    So I got his weight before he ate his dinner and I got 236g. He is very small. Not as in emancipated small, but his body/frame is small. To look at him without his sister near by he looks to be a healthy weight just reminds me of a younger squirrel. His sister weighs 260g. I will try to get a photo the next time I get him to come out.

    I agree with following the MBD protocol as you had mentioned earlier. . At least til we can completely rule out mbd. I did provide him his first dose of the tums. I went ahead and liquified the tums tablet and gave it to him through a syringe. Shockingly, he took it with no push back.

    Prednisone- I have 5 tablets of Prednisone 2.5mg
    Ibuprofen - infant drops 50mg per 1.25ml.

    His diarrhea is a little concerning. The lady said he has had it on and off since she got them. More on then off and she would give the kaopectate often. Actually they both have diarrhea currently. Hers is a little less runny. After doing the pinch test on Papi's neck he seems to be a little dehydrated but the sister is not.
    What can I do regarding the long term diarrhea. She said she thought maybe they had worms? What are your thoughts? Can they have worms but not actually see any in the stool?

    I can tell he is not feeling well. He is not active. Wants to sleep.. Even with his sister bouncing around him like a bouncy ball. He is not lethargic just seems sleepy or in discomfort. He is eating enough. Water intake could be better.

    I'm sorry this is so long and I have so many questions. He is just the most sweetest, loveable little boy that I have dealt with. To be honest his sister is too. I will do whatever I have to do in order to get him better, even if I have to take him to a rehabber that can give him care that I can not provide. I will do my best.

    I apologize if I left anything out. Please reach out if there are other questions or answers that u may need. I will continuously be checking for a response/update.

    Thank you for taking the time to help me help these little babes. I'm beyond grateful for the squirrel board❤️
    I hope to be able to posta pic of video here soon.

  10. #8
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    Default Re: Please help! Need advice for a 4 month old grey not moving back legs

    OK, the fact that he is putting weight on his legs is really good. I increasingly think that you are looking at mostly MBD. He may have bumped himself up falling but I think that what appears to be paralysis of his hind end is actually one of the other MBD things, which is the inability to properly contract the muscles also caused by low calcium. I am going to suggest that in addition to the calcium, you start to give him the infant ibuprofen and I will PM you the dosing.

    As far as the parasites are concerned - it sure would be nice to know if they are there and if so, which ones they are. You mentioned the vet who euthanized - I wonder if they would be willing to do a fecal on one of them where all you bring to the office is poop, not the squirrels. If one has them, they both do. They may want you to pick up a collection tube for it at the office, but if you knew if and what parasite it is it will sure shorten any process of elimination you would have to go through otherwise. I am gonna try to get some folks with more info on this thread.

  11. #9
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    Default Re: Please help! Need advice for a 4 month old grey not moving back legs

    Quote Originally Posted by Shellbee View Post
    Papi is putting a little weight on his legs 🙂
    -I returned home from work around 430ish to find Papi looking better. He went from scooting across the floor to now putting weight on both legs. I can see that he is lifting them with each step . Just a very small amount of weight but definitely better than last night. When I was watching him lay down, he curled into a little ball, he did struggle a little but that makes me think that he has a little bit of muscle control, right?

    I did pinch his toes/foot at that time and he didn't seem to notice nor did he move. Think maybe I need to give more of a pinch. Maybe I'm being to easy?

    Just doesn't add up that he is putting a little bit of weight on his legs now, yet he has no feeling?? He has control over his tail. Hopefully that's a good sign.

    - I called a few vets that were near by and one out of four basically gave me the same answer. Basically they response was that they don't treat wildlife. However the one that does treat squirrels, I'm a little iffy about. A friend of mine had taken a sick baby squirrel there in the past. They took the baby to the back and wouldn't let her go back. 20 min or so went by and they came out and said they had to euthanize it, as in they did it then came out and told her. I'm not comfortable with taking him there unless I have no choice. Are you aware of any that would treat him in my area? I'm willing to drive a good ways if need be.

    When I got home and he started to get up he was actively pooping.I still can not confirm if he is peeing. Any advice ?

    Thank you for the link to the MBD info. I did read through it. I also ordered the calcium and I ordered a bag of the picky blocks. I currently have some blocks, just not the flavor picky eaters. It won't be here for 2-3 days so I am providing the ones I currently have. He is eating, not as much as his sister does but enough that I'm comfortable with saying he should not be hungry after he ate his dinner. However his water intake didn't make me as happy. I will continue to offer him his water. Hopefully he will start to drink more

    So I got his weight before he ate his dinner and I got 236g. He is very small. Not as in emancipated small, but his body/frame is small. To look at him without his sister near by he looks to be a healthy weight just reminds me of a younger squirrel. His sister weighs 260g. I will try to get a photo the next time I get him to come out.

    I agree with following the MBD protocol as you had mentioned earlier. . At least til we can completely rule out mbd. I did provide him his first dose of the tums. I went ahead and liquified the tums tablet and gave it to him through a syringe. Shockingly, he took it with no push back.

    Prednisone- I have 5 tablets of Prednisone 2.5mg
    Ibuprofen - infant drops 50mg per 1.25ml.

    His diarrhea is a little concerning. The lady said he has had it on and off since she got them. More on then off and she would give the kaopectate often. Actually they both have diarrhea currently. Hers is a little less runny. After doing the pinch test on Papi's neck he seems to be a little dehydrated but the sister is not.
    What can I do regarding the long term diarrhea. She said she thought maybe they had worms? What are your thoughts? Can they have worms but not actually see any in the stool?

    I can tell he is not feeling well. He is not active. Wants to sleep.. Even with his sister bouncing around him like a bouncy ball. He is not lethargic just seems sleepy or in discomfort. He is eating enough. Water intake could be better.

    I'm sorry this is so long and I have so many questions. He is just the most sweetest, loveable little boy that I have dealt with. To be honest his sister is too. I will do whatever I have to do in order to get him better, even if I have to take him to a rehabber that can give him care that I can not provide. I will do my best.

    I apologize if I left anything out. Please reach out if there are other questions or answers that u may need. I will continuously be checking for a response/update.

    Thank you for taking the time to help me help these little babes. I'm beyond grateful for the squirrel board❤️
    I hope to be able to posta pic of video here soon.
    Thanks Shellbee:
    As usual, I am at work and strangely enough, I keep having to do stuff and have difficulty getting posts read or posting some comments of my own. The diarrhea is a definite concern, especially in the baby boy (Papi?) whose diarrhea seems for what you wrote to be somewhat watery. Ordinarily when a Squirrel is dehydrated, I recommend in most case that just plain water be given because the fluid loss then is usually mostly water with very little electrolytes (sodium, potassium, chloride, etc) BUT with many forms of diarrhea, there is electrolyte loss along with loss of water and I would like to suggest that you try giving the 236 gram Squirrel with most pronounce diarrhea an immediate bit of Pedialyte. Do NOT add anything to the Pedialyte but administer it just as if it was being given as a formula feeding and using a 1cc syringe (or a 3cc syringe IF you are very experienced at controlling the plunger to prevent too rapid ingestion of the fluid which can easily lead to aspiration!), give Papi (?) 10-12 ml of the Pedialyte over 1-3 hours and then repeat this during the next 24 hours. This can then be repeated once each 24 hour period and this will serve to help replenish electrolytes that are being lost through diarrhea! You can also give a similar dose of Pedialyte to the larger baby with loose stools if desired but this probably does not represent the same risk for electrolyte loss as would truly watery stool. The most important intervention and often the best treatment for persistent diarrhea is to replenish water and electrolyte losses regularly as they occur so dehydration and/or electrolyte imbalances can be corrected and avoided in the future! The Squirrel should still have plain water always available!

    As far as the prior recommendation for "pinching" goes; this was only to see if a withdrawal response could be elicited which would essentially rule out at least a total paralysis of the extremity. It was NOT to see if sensation was intact! If Papi (?) is moving all four extremities, that is very good and this obviously rules out a paralysis. No pinching is needed or recommended now! I am of the opinion that while there are coincidences in life, they are quite rare and while Papi quite likely has have MBD, the decreased movement of his hind end did not begin spontaneously and in fact began after the fall! I still would be concerned about an injury having occurred even though hind end weakness or paralysis is still a common development with MBD (as an example, fractures are more likely with MBD because the bones have much less mass and strength and can break far more easily and vertebral (spine) fractures can result in injury to nearby nerves)! I would still recommend x-ray studies but NOT with the euthanizing Vet!! Probably at this stage with the noted return of at least some movement of the limbs that recently were still, further careful observation is in order. It is important to ensure that neither Squirrel has access to heights until MBD is fully ruled-out and that Papi is fully functional!

    I believe that CM had a great idea for having a fecal evaluation performed and as she mentioned, this would only require you to come to the Vet's office with a stool specimen and the Squirrels could remain safe at home. With gut parasites, we rarely actually see the worms and are much more likely to see their eggs but this requires a special preparation of the stool (called a float test) and then examination under a microscope. Most all Vets are able to perform a float test. It may even be good to take stool specimens from both Squirrels as IMO, if one has parasites, the other probably does too even if one test was negative. Often a float test is repeated one specimen may not demonstrate evidence of parasites even when parasites are present!


  12. #10
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    Default Re: Please help! Need advice for a 4 month old grey not moving back legs

    Although I called the test that I mentioned the "float test," it's "official" terminoligy is the Fecal Floatation Test." I wanted to make sure that the Vet understands what you want but they probably refer to it as a float test themselves. Just wanted to be clear about poo!

  13. #11
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    Default Re: Please help! Need advice for a 4 month old grey not moving back legs

    Quote Originally Posted by SamtheSquirrel2018 View Post
    Although I called the test that I mentioned the "float test," it's "official" terminoligy is the Fecal Floatation Test." I wanted to make sure that the Vet understands what you want but they probably refer to it as a float test themselves. Just wanted to be clear about poo!
    Just wanted to leave a quick update on Papi... He has full mobility of his legs again. He slowly became more active as each day passed! I have him and his sister on a Henry's block diet only. At least til they are eating their daily blocks, then I will move onto adding the veggies and then fruits.Same as I did for my squirrels. I am continuing the MBD protocol. Just because I'm not sure what happened and if it was the calcium that helped him or if it was something else. I did give him two days worth of infant ibuprofen also.

    I will be stopping by the med vet place to talk to them And ask if the could do that test. I will keep you guys updated!

    Papi and I wanted to thank you guys for all the help! As always, you guys are lifesavers! Thanks for all the great advice!

    Gonna try to send a picture so you can see the sweet little boy that you helped!

  14. Serious fuzzy thank you's to Shellbee from:

    SamtheSquirrel2018 (07-01-2024)

  15. #12
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    Default Re: Please help! Need advice for a 4 month old grey not moving back legs

    What part of PA are you in? Acorn Acres Wildlife and Red Creek Wildlife are outstandingly good wildlife rehabilitation facilities. These squirrels need long term, expert care due to their poor beginning.
    Island Rehabber
    NY State Licensed
    Wildlife Rehabilitator

    "Ancora Imparo" (I am still learning)

    If you can't afford the vet,
    You can't afford a pet.

    "Better one day in the trees, than a lifetime in a cage."

    '...and the greatest of these, is Love. '

  16. Serious fuzzy thank you's to island rehabber from:

    SamtheSquirrel2018 (07-01-2024)

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