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Thread: releasing rehabbed babies?

  1. #101
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    Default Re: releasing rehabbed babies?

    Quote Originally Posted by astrll View Post
    it was definitely a bite haha! there’s a deep gash in my finger that looks like teeth. i think i didn’t notice because i was too focused on making sure she didn’t get hurt
    In situations where I need to handle squirrels and might get bitten, I have a pair of thick wool mittens with a leather mitten shelf outside them. Even if an adult squirrel chomps down and their teeth make it through the leather and wool, the teeth do not reach my hand.

    I have used these mittens many times, mostly when taking care of injured squirrels.

    I had one squirrel (Harry) about 3 years ago that was being overwintered who got extremely aggressive at about 6 months to where beyond the usual double layers of clothing and the wool/leather mittens I actually had to wear a fencing mask to protect my face.

    Yep, he actually bit me right in the cheek. I was using one of those big plastic face shields like for using a weed whacker and he got up under it and gave me quite the bite.

    After that, I went with the fencing mask, tucked under my hoodie with a towel tucked in over my throat.

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  3. #102
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    now for some not so great news… budget. my sister and i went over how much more money we can realistically spend and i’m not sure if we can stretch it to keeping them for another month.

    i ordered a bag of harlan-teklad blocks so we can make our own HHB’s because that’s definitely where we’re losing a lot of money.

    formula is the next one so i’m hoping pichi and daisy wean themselves before i have to order more… tomorrow they are about 16/17 weeks old.

    we’ll see what we can do! my sister and i both work full time at minimum wage but we save up our money pretty diligently. we were able to start this whole adventure because of those savings! i’m really glad we were saving up so we could get this all set up for them.

    all eight of them are out playing now — we put a new rope in and they love it!

  4. #103
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    Default Re: releasing rehabbed babies?

    Quote Originally Posted by olorin19 View Post
    I had one squirrel (Harry) about 3 years ago that was being overwintered who got extremely aggressive at about 6 months to where beyond the usual double layers of clothing and the wool/leather mittens I actually had to wear a fencing mask to protect my face.

    Yep, he actually bit me right in the cheek. I was using one of those big plastic face shields like for using a weed whacker and he got up under it and gave me quite the bite.
    oh my god!!! i’ve read a lot of stories like that on here, it’s scary! the fencing mask is really smart. these kiddos really have some chompers on them.

    i have thick gloves that i used the first day and a hoodie. we’ll see how tonight goes with pichi — she gets overly enthusiastic when she sees us approaching with a cup of syringes haha

  5. #104
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    Default Re: releasing rehabbed babies?

    Quote Originally Posted by astrll View Post
    it was definitely a bite haha! there’s a deep gash in my finger that looks like teeth. i think i didn’t notice because i was too focused on making sure she didn’t get hurt
    Hi Astril:
    I have been busy at work and have been checking in on your thread as I am able. Olorin is doing a great job being your "advisor!" If you have not had a Tetanus Immunization within the past 10 years, it would be a good idea to get one! Also, there is the risk of an infection developing from the puncture wound and antibiotics may be an option to try for prophylaxis (prevention). Also, bites from a Squirrel are potentially delivered with amazingly strong force but are not necessarily given with full strength. Among the general risks of a bite (rabies is NOT one them, at least in this case) are also specific risks when the skin is relatively thin over bone and joints such as bites to a finger and having an x-ray study to rule out a fracture or even the presence of piece of tooth may be well advised! I would strongly recommend that you contact your physician (not the Vet this time, LOL!) for his or her advice.

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  7. #105
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    end of day 11! tonight went a little smoother than yesterday. we were gonna feed pichi (17cc) and daisy (19cc) through the wires again but… i couldn’t resist! i love how pichi will perch on me to take the formula. she was much calmer today since she got the syringe immediately. i had to bribe her off me with half a pecan though so i probably can’t feed her inside the enclosure for much longer — it’s hard to get her off me once she’s on and i don’t want her getting used to nuts yet.

    in the afternoon, i sat in front of the enclosure and just watched them play. they’re so full of energy! daisy especially — he’s such a social butterfly. he’ll visit each of his siblings multiple times to kiss and greet. i’m so glad the original six accepted him (and his brother) into their unit. he’ll even play with pichi who seems dead set on separating herself from the others.

    he’s also been the most acrobatic! he’s definitely practicing more difficult and longer jumps. pichi and a few others were also practicing climbing the rope and jumping on the more flimsy branches. the others just love running and chasing.

    while i was out there, i got to see all eight at once. they all look like they’re at a healthy weight if i’m comparing to my wilds who are the same age. the only thing is that the muscles aren’t as defined but is that to be expected?

    today after they ate their blocks and had some veggies, i brought out some apples and bananas for them. they haven’t had fruit since the 18th when i gave them some watermelon. my sister also got a beautiful branch of fresh green helicopter leaves and they went absolutely nuts over it!!

  8. #106
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    i do have a question and problem about food. so the HHB’s haven’t shipped yet because they wanted to check if i had the address correct since i ordered the formula to canada and the blocks to the states.

    basically, the fox valley is allowed to ship into canafa but the blocks aren’t. i live close to the border so i send the blocks to a pick up place in the states and then bring it across back into canada. i don’t do the blocks and formula all in one order because it would be difficult to hide the blocks and formula at the same time. the things we do for these kiddos, haha!

    we’re on our last bag of HHB’s and it takes about three days for them to ship. the harlan-teklad shooooould be coming tomorrow but i’m not sure what time. i’ll be without HHB’s for a couple days. is there anything i should do?

    the plan right now is to give the normal amount of blocks tomorrow and hope the rodent blocks come in time. plus the veggies. but is there anything i need to know about giving the harlan-teklad? how much and how often?

    and final question is about variety. the veggies we’ve been putting out have been spring mix, cabbage, cauliflower and broccoli. they didn’t like the brussel sprouts but i think it’s because they were soggy haha we’re gonna try steaming them next. is there anything else i could be adding?

    the reason i ask is because tonight (around 8:30/9:00 pm) as i was closing the enclosure with the sheets, i saw that a few were still out looking for food. i know they ate their blocks, had the veggies and fruits, and had the helicopter leaves so it was weird that they were out. i wanted to give them more blocks but since i’m on the last bag i thought better of it.

    do i need to increase how much food i’m putting out? or is it just them being “greedy”? they usually finish most of the veggies but i do end up with a little waste.

    i saw on the squirrel food pyramid that it said variety is key — is that because they can get bored of the same thing everyday? are they not eating enough?

  9. #107
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    Default Re: releasing rehabbed babies?

    Quote Originally Posted by astrll View Post
    i do have a question and problem about food. so the HHB’s haven’t shipped yet because they wanted to check if i had the address correct since i ordered the formula to canada and the blocks to the states.

    basically, the fox valley is allowed to ship into canafa but the blocks aren’t. i live close to the border so i send the blocks to a pick up place in the states and then bring it across back into canada. i don’t do the blocks and formula all in one order because it would be difficult to hide the blocks and formula at the same time. the things we do for these kiddos, haha!

    we’re on our last bag of HHB’s and it takes about three days for them to ship. the harlan-teklad shooooould be coming tomorrow but i’m not sure what time. i’ll be without HHB’s for a couple days. is there anything i should do?

    the plan right now is to give the normal amount of blocks tomorrow and hope the rodent blocks come in time. plus the veggies. but is there anything i need to know about giving the harlan-teklad? how much and how often?

    and final question is about variety. the veggies we’ve been putting out have been spring mix, cabbage, cauliflower and broccoli. they didn’t like the brussel sprouts but i think it’s because they were soggy haha we’re gonna try steaming them next. is there anything else i could be adding?

    the reason i ask is because tonight (around 8:30/9:00 pm) as i was closing the enclosure with the sheets, i saw that a few were still out looking for food. i know they ate their blocks, had the veggies and fruits, and had the helicopter leaves so it was weird that they were out. i wanted to give them more blocks but since i’m on the last bag i thought better of it.

    do i need to increase how much food i’m putting out? or is it just them being “greedy”? they usually finish most of the veggies but i do end up with a little waste.

    i saw on the squirrel food pyramid that it said variety is key — is that because they can get bored of the same thing everyday? are they not eating enough?
    Hi Astril:
    The Teklad Blocks and any of the other quality hard extruded Blocks can and should be free-fed which means that the Squirrels can eat as much as they want so you can leave some out. Also, they are less likely to spoil than HHB's which have no preservatives but they can spoil and the babies should be eating fresh food, not stashed food so still check for stashes! If you need some quality Blocks while awaiting the arrival of the Teklad Blocks you can obtain Mazuri Rat and Mouse diet in BC but I'm not sure if there is a location near you that carries them. It's probably worth finding out though.

    As far as the Pyramid goes, I'm not so sure that variety should be though of as the "key" because as the real key is to provide optimal nutritional support and avoid MBD in the process! Along with a well planned Soft-Release program utilizing optimal methods and a well designed release cage; having had ideal nutritional support prior to release is the very best gift you can give to your Squirrels to ensure the best odds for initial survival and for thriving in the wild! The base of the Pyramid is "Blocks" and this should comprise at least 80% of the Squirrel's dietary intake (other than formula until weaned) and then sticking with the lower levels of the pyramid for other sources of nutrition!

    Also, once the Teklad Blocks (or other blocks beside the HHBs) arrive, the Squirrels can eat as much as they want. There should be enough made available for all! Also, in my opinion, the "greedy" Squirrel is really just a hungry Squirrel and again, being well fed primarily with Blocks prior to release is ideal and should be a high level goal!


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  11. #108
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    Default Re: releasing rehabbed babies?

    Quote Originally Posted by SamtheSquirrel2018 View Post

    Also, in my opinion, the "greedy" Squirrel is really just a hungry Squirrel and again, being well fed primarily with Blocks prior to release is ideal and should be a high level goal!

  12. Serious fuzzy thank you's to olorin19 from:

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  13. #109
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    Default Re: releasing rehabbed babies?

    Quote Originally Posted by astrll View Post

    he’s also been the most acrobatic! he’s definitely practicing more difficult and longer jumps. pichi and a few others were also practicing climbing the rope and jumping on the more flimsy branches. the others just love running and chasing.

    while i was out there, i got to see all eight at once. they all look like they’re at a healthy weight if i’m comparing to my wilds who are the same age. the only thing is that the muscles aren’t as defined but is that to be expected?
    All the running, chasing, climbing, jumping, play fighting, etc. is really important, as this is how they develop the strength, coordination, agility, etc. that they will need to thrive in the wild.

    The bigger the enclosure and the more stuff they have to climb on, the better for their development.

    With singletons, I usually put in a small stuffed animal or simply a knotted sock hanging on a cord to give them a "playmate".

    Another thing you might try is a large container with dirt so they can have some practice (and fun) digging.

    While this is not suitable for your situation, I also let squirrels I am raising out of their cage to run around in my basement, sun porch, etc. While they need to climb, jump, etc., they also need to be good at scampering about on the ground.

    In my observation, no matter what you do, squirrels going from a cage to freedom will probably still be a bit underdeveloped as far as coordination, skills, etc. They will, however, catch up quite quickly. But this is all the more reason to make sure they are as well nourished as possible prior to release.

  14. 4 TSBers pass along the fuzzy thanks to olorin19:

    astrll (06-25-2024), SamtheSquirrel2018 (06-25-2024), scoopysnack (06-25-2024), Stevelisa (06-25-2024)

  15. #110
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    Default Re: releasing rehabbed babies?

    thank you all! day 12 is done!

    i got the mazuri blocks and they were hesitant at first but then gobbled them up. the harlan-teklad came today! so i will be making some blocks tomorrow. i need to head to the store to get a few more ingredients. i received a recipe for blocks similar to HHB’s! that will help immensely with costs.

    if anyone else has recipes i’d love to see them!!

    pichi bit me again this morning in her excitement. i was still sleepy so the blame is totally with me of course. i kind of adore the little scratch and bite marks on my hands haha!

    this morning daisy refused any more formula at 18 cc’s and pichi got 15 cc’s. in the evening daisy had 21 cc’s and pichi had 17 cc’s.

    for the rest of them, i gave them the rest of their HHB’s. i have half a bag left for tomorrow. my dad brought home some daisy’s so we shared a few of them with the kiddos after cleaning them. they demolished those flowers haha and then of course they had their veggie plate and lots of water too.

    they weren’t as active today because it was hooooot and humid so there was a lot of baby pancakes going on! even my wilds didn’t come as much today. in the evening they got out to play a little — they ADORE the rope jungle we made! they’re all practicing really acrobatic moves and long jumps, it makes me so happy to see. i can’t wait to give them their trees!

    i also gave them a ball of willow branches that they were playing with too.

    i’m a complete newbie at this but i want to say that maybe i think they are doing okay? i wish i had more experience so i could make an accurate judgement. but i think they are happy! i can’t believe we’ve had them for almost two weeks!

  16. 4 TSBers pass along the fuzzy thanks to astrll:

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  17. #111
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    Hey, Astril! can you please check your PM for a note from us? We'd like to verify delivery of the Email you should have received from Henry's. Thanks a ton!

    Jamie and Pam
    "some old things are lovely, warm still with life ... of the forgotten men who made them." - D.H. Lawrence

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  19. #112
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    day 13 is finished!

    it was a grey and rainy day and all the kiddos mostly took it easy today. i put a new piece of wood in there and they were playing on it all day

    for formula’s, pichi got 18 cc’s in the morning and evening and daisy got 18 cc’s in the morning and 19 cc’s in the evening. he’s starting to refuse taking all his formula — i hope that’s good news!

    the harlan-teklad has come so i’ve put the mazuri blocks in my freezer. they loved the harlan-teklad blocks! we couldn’t find everything at the store so we had to order some stuff online to start making our own HHB’s, specifically the whey powder. i’m also waiting for protein powder from henry’s. i already have lots of henry’s vitamin powder!

    for the baby food, can i use any kind? or is there a flavour that’s better?

    we named a sixth baby today — mooki! he looks SO MUCH like his mama i do a double take every time. he’s slowly getting more comfortable with us being in the enclosure though he won’t come near us. the last unnamed two always hide the moment the see us so we haven’t had a chance to get to know them!

    that brings our moo crew to moo (grey girl), pichi (tan girl), daisy (black boy), bunki (black boy), pochi (tan boy), mooki (grey boy), an unnamed grey, and an unnamed tan. i can’t wait to meet them!!!

    side note — with the humidity today the enclosure smelled AWFUL. any suggestions on how to get rid of that funk? maybe we need to open all five walls to air it out.

    oh! that’s another question i had — right now we open 2/5 walls every day and the cover all the walls at night. should i be slowly opening more walls or is it fine as is? the two walls they can see out of have a view of the trees and all the activity on the balcony.

    today they got a little taste of the elements — it was windy and drizzly. i read on another tsb post that it’s important they be exposed to the weather.

    my sister and i are settling into a routine and slowly reclaiming our sleep schedules haha it feels nice. MUCH less stressful than the first few days!! we couldn’t do this without you all and i really mean it — thank you

  20. Serious fuzzy thank you's to astrll from:

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  21. #113
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    oh! i forgot to mention something really cool they did a couple days ago — i think it was on monday.

    the babies were playing like crazy in the enclosure — running around and jumping and chasing. they were full of energy! then one of the wilds started an alarm call and all the babies immediately froze and went quiet. a few of them went to hide and a couple of them were listening for the all clear. once the alarm call stopped, they waited a few minutes before playing again.

    it was so cool to see their instincts kick in!!!

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  23. #114
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    Default Re: releasing rehabbed babies?

    Quote Originally Posted by astrll View Post
    side note — with the humidity today the enclosure smelled AWFUL. any suggestions on how to get rid of that funk? maybe we need to open all five walls to air it out.

    oh! that’s another question i had — right now we open 2/5 walls every day and the cover all the walls at night. should i be slowly opening more walls or is it fine as is? the two walls they can see out of have a view of the trees and all the activity on the balcony.

    today they got a little taste of the elements — it was windy and drizzly. i read on another tsb post that it’s important they be exposed to the weather.
    My suggestion back a few weeks ago about covering the sides a bit was meant more to help them feel safe and secure at first.

    At this point, I would make sure there is enough roof cover plus any extra side cover necessary to assure their hammocks do not get wet.

    Beyond that, I would suggest leaving things as open as you can.

    My release cages have nest boxes that have an overhanging roof, so they stay snug and dry inside. I place an outdoor door mat on the roof above the nest box so they have an area to perch and hang out during drizzly weather. But other than that, the release cage is fairly open. I also have them up against a hedge (which since this picture was taken has grown well into all three cages). If the cages are in use during warm weather, I sometimes add a little covering on the side away from the hedge to provide afternoon shade.
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  25. #115
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    sorry for the missed updates! i’ve been sick

    day 14 — officially two weeks! we relied only on the harlan-teklad blocks and veggies sprinkled with calcium carbonate powder. we haven’t made boo balls/HHB’s yet because we’re still waiting for some ingredients to arrive. they don’t seem to mind the harlan-teklad but they don’t gobble it up like they do the HHB’s.

    pichi had 18 cc’s of formula in the morning and evening while daisy had 10.5 cc’s in the morning and 14 cc’s at night. he’s definitely weaning himself off the formula.

    day 15 — more rodent blocks! there was a lot of pancaking because it was hot and humid again. we have a fan going to help push the breeze into the enclosure.

    pichi had 18 cc’s of formula in the morning and 18 cc’s again in the evening and daisy had 9 cc’s in the morning and 12 cc’s in the evening.

    day 16 — today (or yesterday since it’s midnight haha)! finally got the HHB’s!!! they really adore them — gobbled it up immediately!

    pichi had 19 cc’s of formula in the morning and 19 cc’s in the evening. daisy had 11.5 cc’s in the morning and 13 cc’s in the evening.

    since a few days ago, we’re opening 3/5 walls! one wall is against the house and can’t be “opened” so i realized that actually gives us four walls with the roof included. so technically we’re opening 3/4 walls! the last wall is a little harder to uncover but we’re planning on doing it soon. oh and again by uncovering walls we mean taking down the blankets that cover the enclosure at night!

    that’s all for now

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  27. #116
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    Sounds like your squirrel kids are doing well!

    FYI - I am off on vacation - thanks to my daughter and a friend of my wife for squirrel sitting my NR Guro so vacation is possible.

    Anyways, we are about to leave and not back to July 9th. I will check email but since I will be on my ipad, my replies may be fairly brief.

    It sounds like you and your sister have things well in hand - good job!

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  29. #117
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    Default Re: releasing rehabbed babies?

    Quote Originally Posted by olorin19 View Post
    Sounds like your squirrel kids are doing well!

    FYI - I am off on vacation - thanks to my daughter and a friend of my wife for squirrel sitting my NR Guro so vacation is possible.

    Anyways, we are about to leave and not back to July 9th. I will check email but since I will be on my ipad, my replies may be fairly brief.

    It sounds like you and your sister have things well in hand - good job!
    Have fun on your vacation Olorin! You deserve it! Thaks again for your help on TSB! It's appreciated by everyone here!

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  31. #118
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    Default Re: releasing rehabbed babies?

    Quote Originally Posted by olorin19 View Post
    FYI - I am off on vacation - thanks to my daughter and a friend of my wife for squirrel sitting my NR Guro so vacation is possible.

    Anyways, we are about to leave and not back to July 9th. I will check email but since I will be on my ipad, my replies may be fairly brief.
    enjoy!! thank you for all your help

  32. #119
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    day 17 complete!

    this morning pichi had 19 cc’s of formula and 19 cc’s again in the evening. daisy had 12 cc’s in the morning and 11 cc’s in the evening. pichi had lots of blocks today!

    pichi decided to use the empty nest box but she got bullied out of it. the other seven usually sleep together in one box so i thought she’d be okay. something spooked one of them out of their nest and they shot to the box that pichi was in. i think she left her original nest nest because it keeps toppling over. the velcro got worn out so i’m trying to think of a different way to attach it. right now she’s back in the second nest box by herself. it’s sad to see the division between her and the rest

    one question — one of my wilds appeared today with tons of fleas! my sister gave him revolution immediately but is it possible that the fleas could make it to the enclosure? he never went near the enclosure but i don’t know how fleas travel. we checked the enclosure tonight and kept a close eye on the babies but we couldn’t find any signs of fleas. just in case we cleaned the enclosure thoroughly.

    at what point can i give the babies a dose of revolution? it will be difficult though — i probably can only dose half of them since only half of them let us hand feed them. would that still provide protection if only half of them got it? we’ll keep checking for fleas and keep doing a thorough clean up.

    i was in the enclosure a lot today and didn’t pick up any fleas so i think we’re okay for now. the biggest bug issue in the enclosure is house flies

    oh! i also finally emptied my camera card so i can upload some pictures!!!

  33. Serious fuzzy thank you's to astrll from:

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  34. #120
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    i mostly have photos of mooki from this day! also a little pochi and moo. moo and mooki look the most like muchi — i have to do as double take all the time!!

    here’s mooki — he has muchi’s ears!
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    here’s moo — she was the first rescue!
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    while watching moo and mooki i noticed that they remind me of muchi and blue (her brother). whenever i see them playing it really looks like i’m watching a glimpse of blue and muchi’s baby days. it just hit me that muchi really left a part of her with us

    here is mooki trying to steal moo’s snack — which blue often did to muchi! and muchi would swipe at blue the same way moo is swiping at mooki haha
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    aaaaand here is moo to steal mooki’s snack haha —
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    pochi — he looks SO much like one of our wilds boco that we think he’s the dad. we’ve known boco since he was about five months old and pochi looks exactly like him when he was a kiddo! and we’ve known boco’s mom honey for about two years — i posted about her here before! it would be hilarious if boco was the dad because muchi did not like honey at all haha
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  35. Serious fuzzy thank you's to astrll from:

    scoopysnack (Yesterday)

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