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Cyrus says, "Hello! Thanks for helping me get the best care possible!" It's tough being a sweetheart. :3
I haven't reached out to the contact the vet gave us yet, but I will this weekend. Hopefully, she will be the right fit.
In a funny turn of events the contact my other friend had turned out to be the same person I last spoke with and did, in fact, also ask my friend for a donation. My friend said she only gave her $25, but that whole situation continues to rub me the wrong way. I also put together this was the same person that I had reached out to via social media and when I asked for advice instead of being helpful, like everyone in here, wrote back and told us not to touch him, not to give him fluids, and not to feed him because we would do it wrong. They took the time to write all that instead of being helpful like everyone in here and all the people that have taken their time to make YouTube videos to show people how to do it right, which is what we used to make sure we didn't do anything wrong to hurt him. Plus I already kind of knew that because my mom had rescued kittens and puppies when I was younger and always did it the way they would if they were nursing from their mothers. I didn't even realize it was the same person until I was double-checking that the contact we got from the vet wasn't any of the people I felt were being rude and gatekeepy about helping him survive. Turns out it was just one in the same person lol. There were some other things that I had flagged about looking at their social media that really do make me wonder what they are doing with the money because they seem very appearance-based. They also kept stressing to my friend that they "do it all by themselves without any help from the state" which is also what they said to me on the phone. To which I have to laugh because I assume EVERYONE that does this is doing it out of their own pocket without much or any help. I've noticed there are some people out here in LA who kind of use animal rescue as a way to schmooze with celebrities and that makes me uneasy. I didn't grow up here so my values are a bit different and I always side-eye organizations that are supposed to be altruistic that are very heavy on getting celebrities to be the face and focus of them. I get that it can help, but there are also lots of people doing this work that aren't famous.
Anyway, all that to say I am very grateful to all of you for being so welcoming, kind, and helpful about helping these little guys and girls. I think we also got really lucky he was pretty healthy to begin with which has made him a lot easier to care for. It must be really difficult and heartbreaking when they have injuries or more serious health complications.