Thank you Squirrel Board for the help you gave with my prior lethargic babies. They are both all healed and growing up oh so fast! I still am so unclear about their age - they were kicked out of their nest with eyes open and one side of teeth on April 16 by a cat - and now, one month later - they are so much bigger and have now stopped taking all formula since two days ago. I do keep offering, but they seem done. I've moved to a soft release cage we built and would love your feedback on the passion project - pictures below. Today I came in and saw the little boy had a missing fur patch on his arm. Could this be from rough play from his sister? Do I have to worry? He doesn't seem sensitive. I included best pictures I could take.
My qs:
1. Is self weaning normal or indicative of age? I heard foxes were harder to wean so a bit nervous.
2. Thoughts on age based on above and pictures? I want to make sure our plan to release in 2-3 weeks is in line with what's best. We're in LA - quite warm - and I'll of course continue to help them with their transition.
3. Should I be worried about this missing fur, tiny wound? Do I treat?
4. Do you love our wildlife cage? I'm so proud!