yes i do see her in the trees! she struggles but is able to navigate through the trees. she has a nest really high up in one of the trees and i see her using gravity to her advantage a lot. in the past few days she's learned to lean on stuff so she doesn't keep falling over. i have a video from last week with baloo navigating through the trees. it was originally 15 minutes long so i cut out all the parts where she pauses for a while.
i have a video from yesterday. she hasn't been getting better but i can't tell if she's getting worse. lately, she will lay on her left side to eat. i can't tell if this is her adapting or if it means she's getting worse.
the video starts with her in a house we have on our balcony. she really really really loves being in that house. the other squirrels don't bother her when she's in there and she will always immediately go to the house when she visits. i think she feels safe in there so i'm wondering if she decides to lay down in there to eat because she doesn't feel like she's in danger. when i see her in the wild i noticed she doesn't lay down at all. so i can't tell if she's worse or not because when she's upstairs on our balcony she behaves differently than when she's in the wild.
with yogurt, she got worse before she got better and adapted the same way as baloo is doing now. but yogurt didn't have any vision issues and she was less than a year old. i'm not sure if age has anything to do with neuro issues but baloo is definitely at least over a year old. yogurt we got lucky with because she came to us when she was maybe five months old and we were able to support her from since she was young. now you can't even tell she ever had a neuro issue. i'm hoping that's the case with baloo too
here is the post where i was tracking yogurt's progress just for context
Young wild with coordination problems (video-provided)