Originally Posted by
Diggie's Friend
It's breeding season, when female squirrels cared for in captivity are the most susceptible to developing yeast infections. This due in great part from the lack of natural soil-based organisms (SBO) healthy (biotics) , which squirrels obtain by pulling up grass tufts that they flip over to chew on the soil that surrounds the roots of grasses (geophagy). I've seen this myself with the female we raised soon after her release into our yard; as she stopped and began to pull up tufts of grass which initially she used her teeth to grip a couple of chews, but quickly flipped over to chew on the soil that surrounded the roots. A fellow member in Texas also shared with me they have seen the same thing with gray squirrels in their yard engage in over the warmer months of the year.
In captivity though, it isn't optimal to use a wild source that may be contaminated with roundworms, and/or other endoparasites from other animals have contaminated the soil. In place of a wild source of (SB0), a clean source that includes diverse forms of (SB0) has been found to best support the immune system of pets be they domestic or wilds. This not with the sugar forms of prebiotics, like (FOS) which are commonly included with dairy based probiotics, suitable for wild species that stop consuming milk at weaning. The other reason is explained here below in this quote.:
The only other source I know of which is recommended by veterinarians to address yeast infections in pets, which just one of the key forms noted to target for dogs, is also contains in, "Pet Flora" by, "Vitality Science" along with many more. This important for the immune system functions best with the balance that is promoted by various forms rather than just one form.
Interestingly, there is another source of pretty much the same complement of forms with the same name, yet from a different company. That source though is higher in dosage and harder to reduce; whereas the source from Vitality Science is lower.
Another feature of both sources is that they have no flavoring, as to not be carnivore species, as most cat and dog probiotic sources are that contain flavor and other filler additives.
In my own history of supporting tree squirrels in the past, and others more recently also, it was Pet Flora and another similar source available in the UK. that stopped the yeast infection, not AB which in the case of my girl many years back, who was treated each time she went into heat due to the development of what you describe as sticky urine, which is in fact a discharge because of lack of the healthy bacteria that makes up oveabout 80 % of the whole body's immune system for weaned juveniles and adult tree squirrels.