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Thread: WARNING! Squirrels Can Overheat in Summer!

  1. #21
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    Default Re: WARNING! Squirrels Can Overheat in Summer!

    Quote Originally Posted by island rehabber View Post
    OK this is really scaring me, now. I am releasing 9 kids for two other rehabbers, four at one release site and five at the other. It is going to be 97* tomorrow and they've only been out since yesterday afternoon. How the hell am I going to keep these guys cool? I plan to bring frozen water bottles so they can "heat dump" by lying across them on the floor....the pens are in the shade, but otherwise I don't know what to do for them......
    The weathermen are trying like hell to scare us to death. I would bet that your cages are just fine if in the shade. Give them a pan of ice during the day and let them cool off if needed. However, there are no air conditioners in the trees either. You arent that far from the coast so be cautious, but dont get crazy.
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  3. #22
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    Default Re: WARNING! Squirrels Can Overheat in Summer!

    Thanks, Gayle. You're right, of course. This histrionic "reporting" has gotten to the point of ridiculousness. Every degree of variation from some ideal San Diego temperature (that only ever happens in San Diego) is cause for "WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!"
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  4. Serious fuzzy thank you's to island rehabber from:

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  5. #23
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    Default Re: WARNING! Squirrels Can Overheat in Summer!

    I did put the ac into the rehab building window, but other windows are still open and it's on fan. Likely that will change tomorrow.
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  6. #24
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    Default Re: WARNING! Squirrels Can Overheat in Summer!

    Quote Originally Posted by Milo's Mom View Post

    Our temps tomorrow are now to exceed 105...I may very well have 10 fewer squirrels tomorrow. Meaning I'll release them all.
    I have done that more than once with my rehab kids -- even if they'd only been in there 2-3 days. However, these are someone else's, a newly licensed rehabber who is VERY attached and overprotective. I don't know which thing would cause her to kill me more: heat stroke babies, or early released babies who she didn't get the chance to "say goodbye" to......
    Island Rehabber
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    "Ancora Imparo" (I am still learning)

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  8. #25
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    Default Re: WARNING! Squirrels Can Overheat in Summer!
    They do enjoy it...
    Squirrels, squirrels and more squirrels....
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  10. #26
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    Default Re: WARNING! Squirrels Can Overheat in Summer!

    Quote Originally Posted by island rehabber View Post
    I have done that more than once with my rehab kids -- even if they'd only been in there 2-3 days. However, these are someone else's, a newly licensed rehabber who is VERY attached and overprotective. I don't know which thing would cause her to kill me more: heat stroke babies, or early released babies who she didn't get the chance to "say goodbye" to......
    SAVE THE BABIES! Educate the rehabber. It's part of rehabbing...gotta think for the babies and put your own feelings aside. I'd kill you over dead heat stroke babies but be sad over not getting to say good bye. (they may very well hang around and she'll get to say goodbye)
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  12. #27
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    Default Re: WARNING! Squirrels Can Overheat in Summer!

    Just wanted to say that I did release a bit earlier than planned, I did provide frozen water bottles to lean against and lots of watermelon and munchies for them and they've now been free for over a week and doing great .
    Island Rehabber
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    "Ancora Imparo" (I am still learning)

    If you can't afford the vet,
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    "Better one day in the trees, than a lifetime in a cage."

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  13. Serious fuzzy thank you's to island rehabber from:

    cava (07-04-2018)

  14. #28
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    Default Re: WARNING! Squirrels Can Overheat in Summer!

    This is day 17 of above 90 degrees here in Northern Kentucky and today my releases and the wilds will have to tolerate a parade and all of the idiotic fireworks people can't live without.

    My neighbor told me that a squirrel was on her windowsill yesterday, she banged on the window to shoo him off, he banged back and was looking for a way in. I know it's one of the Mainstreet Foursome because she feeds them every day too (used to rehab birds, offers salt block and water to the deer, nice woman)

    I've been putting out fresh water daily, giving chopped fruit (watermelon/apple/blueberry) and nuts so they don't have to work so hard in the heat and humidity and stay hydrated.

    I would never forget to offer help in the winter months, but this is a good reminder to offer it in the heart of summer too. Thanks for the post.

  15. #29
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    Default Re: WARNING! Squirrels Can Overheat in Summer!

    Saw a post today that made me want to this post. Nancy was always sure to bump this early each summer as we headed into the summer heat....

  16. 3 TSBers pass along the fuzzy thanks to Spanky:

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