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Thread: Please Help!

  1. #1
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    Default Please Help!

    She dug a shelled pecan out of the ground and broke her tooth! This happened just 30 minutes ago and I'm so desperate! What should I do?

    Gia is recently recovering from MBD. Yesterday, I decided to give her access to her big enclosure outside where she has grass, a tree, and a couple of hideouts after spending 3 weeks going inside and in her smaller cage outside she was desperate to go but before I let her out needed to make sure I got all the pecans even dug some out from the ground. She's normally an outdoor wild squirrel but she likes to be in the house more than outside especially, in the summer.

    Just about an hour ago I saw her she was active, running around, climbing up and down the branches. She was happy since this morning. I went to clean up her room and change her bed when I saw her cleaning the dirt off a pecan. ran out to get it but she ran off to the highest point of her enclosure and began to open it. I went back inside finished cleaning her room, and got her lunch ready when I went to call her I found her curled up in her tunnel to the enclosure in pain. I'm so disheartened, she just got better, and now this happened.

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  2. #2
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    Default Re: Please Help!

    Is it broken? Can you actually see tooth still in the gum?

    You can help her with the pain with infant ibuprophen. You will need a 1cc syringe to dose it with, and give us some idea of her weight. It will help a lot.

    Hopefully it is just broken. If so, it should re-grow - it is meant to do just that. You will need to not release her until it does, though, because it is highly likely that the tooth that opposes it will overgrow - too long - and you will need to keep it trimmed to the proper length until the broken tooth has grown out again.

  3. 2 TSBers pass along the fuzzy thanks to CritterMom:

    olorin19 (06-05-2023), SamtheSquirrel2018 (06-04-2023)

  4. #3
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    Default Re: Please Help!

    Quote Originally Posted by Olly&Gia View Post
    She dug a shelled pecan out of the ground and broke her tooth! This happened just 30 minutes ago and I'm so desperate! What should I do?

    Gia is recently recovering from MBD. Yesterday, I decided to give her access to her big enclosure outside where she has grass, a tree, and a couple of hideouts after spending 3 weeks going inside and in her smaller cage outside she was desperate to go but before I let her out needed to make sure I got all the pecans even dug some out from the ground. She's normally an outdoor wild squirrel but she likes to be in the house more than outside especially, in the summer.

    Just about an hour ago I saw her she was active, running around, climbing up and down the branches. She was happy since this morning. I went to clean up her room and change her bed when I saw her cleaning the dirt off a pecan. ran out to get it but she ran off to the highest point of her enclosure and began to open it. I went back inside finished cleaning her room, and got her lunch ready when I went to call her I found her curled up in her tunnel to the enclosure in pain. I'm so disheartened, she just got better, and now this happened.

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    Hello Ollie & Gia:
    I have been wondering how Gia has been doing and it sounds like she has be doing quite well; until this very recent event! I have several questions and comments.
    Which tooth seems to be involved and as CritterMom stated; do you actually see that the tooth has been broken from the remainder of the tooth which is still retained withing the jaw AND is properly aligned? IF the tooth is only broken away from the part of the tooth closest to the root AND that remaining portion of the broken tooth is both in its normal alignment with the adjacent tooth AND it is not loose and unstable; Gia should ordinarily be fine except for the adjacent tooth continuing to grow as CM pointed out which may necessitate trimming the uninjured tooth at some time in the future. Squirrel incisors have no pain sensors in the body of the tooth and a break or active trimming does not cause pain.

    My concern from knowing Gia's recent medical history as having MBD (which takes months to resolve) and from the mechanism of this current injury is for the possibility of damage (specifically a fracture) to the bony structure of the jaw that retains the tooth. If this has occurred, Gia should be seen by an experienced Squirrel Veterinarian so that the broken tooth and the broken bones of the jaw can be realigned so that the broken bones can heal in their normal positions and the tooth can be aligned in its normal direction. I have included you photos numbers 2, 3, & 5 in the "quote" which seem to show the left upper incisor not aligned with the right upper incisor and pointed laterally (to the side) and maybe a bit caudally (pointed toward the tail) as well. This may simply be the appearance in the photo and the alignment is normal but please verify. Again, IF the alignment of the tooth has changed significantly this, especially in a Squirrel with MBD, suggests damage (fracture) of the jaw and if so, I feel Gia should be evaluated by a Vet!

  5. #4
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    It looks like it's bent out of place. not broken. Now, I'm not sure if she fell or the nut that caused this. I found her pecan in the corner as she placed it there. There is a scratch and blood in her nose as you can see in the picture. She doesn't let me handle her because she was never raised as a pet so it's hard to take a good look. Im thinking about taking her to a vet but, I live in San Antonio, Texas. I'm afraid she will get taken.
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  6. #5
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    This is the pecan she had.
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  7. #6
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    Somehow her tooth got twisted. My husband wants to put push it back into place! I think this could be too painful for her.

  8. #7
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    Hello SamtheSquirrel, I will try to get her inside and take a better look.

  9. #8
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    Default Re: Please Help!

    Quote Originally Posted by Olly&Gia View Post
    It looks like it's bent out of place. not broken. Now, I'm not sure if she fell or the nut that caused this. I found her pecan in the corner as she placed it there. There is a scratch and blood in her nose as you can see in the picture. She doesn't let me handle her because she was never raised as a pet so it's hard to take a good look. Im thinking about taking her to a vet but, I live in San Antonio, Texas. I'm afraid she will get taken.
    Yes, that is the focus of my concern expressed in my recent post. This suggests a fracture of the jaw structure that contains and stabilizes that tooth (and maybe even the incisor adjacent to this!)! This would be quite painful and I would suggest the use of Metacam (Meloxicam) or if that is not available, Ibuprofen. CritterMom or one of the other Admins can help you with the dosing. Please check to see what you might have and post the names of the medication and the strengths. Ibuprofen comes in Infant Drops (50mg/1.25ml) and Children's Drops (100mg/5ml).

    I do not know of a Vet in San Antonio but I would suggest trying to contact one of the Exotic Animal Veterinarians in that region. I just did a search and one of the Vets that seemed to be a possibility as they see "pocket Pets" Is Vanguard ( You would of course as with any Vet, ensure the best you can that they will not only see a Squirrel but that they will not confiscate or euthanize Gia and will let your stay with her and they will return her to you following treatment! Another is Broadway Oaks (https://www.broadwayoaksanimalhospit...cket-pets.html). I know that Summertree Animal and Bird Clinic in Dallas will see Squirrels and some of our members have taken their Squirrels there with good reports that followed! Of course this would be a long drive.

    I do feel very strongly that Gia needs to be seen by a Vet ASAP! Please keep posting updates. I'm sorry for little Gia's new tooth injury! Please convey to Gia my very best wishes!

  10. #9
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    Default Re: Please Help!

    Quote Originally Posted by Olly&Gia View Post
    Somehow her tooth got twisted. My husband wants to put push it back into place! I think this could be too painful for her.
    I would recommend NOT doing this for two reasons; one as you mentioned, this will be very painful and two, as the bones around the base of the incisor are no longer stable and maintaining alignment and functionality of the incisor, pushing it back in alignment would only be temporary as there is nothing to maintain the alignment! Most likely, Gia will need x-ray films and/or a CT Scan to see the condition of the bones in the region of both upper incisors. It may then be the recommendation of the Vet to have Gia anesthetized with an inhaled agent such as Isoflurane and then have any significantly displaced bone fragments repositioned and then have the loose unstable incisor sutured or wired to the adjacent incisor (hopefully this one is stable and the bones are not injured!) to maintain alignment and let healing take place. It will likely take somewhat long than normal for healing to take place if there is a fracture secondary to the underlying MBD! Gia of course will need a soft diet!

  11. #10
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    I managed to lure her back into her room with a piece of avocado after she took a long nap. She's acting like nothing happened. Here is a video I just did of her eating avocado.

  12. #11
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    All the vet places I found including Samthesquirrel's recommendation are closed today. I will try to call tomorrow. Hopefully, they can take her. I made her a soft boo ball with her calcium dose she ate a little and went to sleep. I do need help with the children's ibuprofen dose. I can go to the store and pick up any type. I'll try to get a stand on a scale.

  13. #12
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    I got her to stand on the scale. She weighs 740 grams.

  14. #13
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    She went back to bed again and now there's white fluid from her eye.
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  15. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Olly&Gia View Post
    I managed to lure her back into her room with a piece of avocado after she took a long nap. She's acting like nothing happened. Here is a video I just did of her eating avocado.
    She does seem to be acting normal in the video! Just in case you are not aware of this, Squirrels and other rodents should NOT eat the pits or the skin of avocados although the fruit itself is ok!

  16. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Olly&Gia View Post
    She went back to bed again and now there's white fluid from her eye.
    If this is from the Left Eye, I would be even more concerned about a fracture and this injury interfering with drainage of tears which occurs through ducts in the corner of the eye that lead to the nose from which they finally drain.

  17. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Olly&Gia View Post
    All the vet places I found including Samthesquirrel's recommendation are closed today. I will try to call tomorrow. Hopefully, they can take her. I made her a soft boo ball with her calcium dose she ate a little and went to sleep. I do need help with the children's ibuprofen dose. I can go to the store and pick up any type. I'll try to get a stand on a scale.
    The Infant Ibuprofen Drops (50mg/1.25ml) would be the easiest to dose.

  18. #17
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    Yes, Sam, I'm aware of avocados. I normally don't give her that much but she had not eaten anything since her blocks this morning and is the only thing I have available that is soft.

    Yes, the white fluid is from the left eye. Hopefully, I can get her to a local-friendly vet tomorrow. We will drive her to Dallas if necessary just not sure if the drive would be too stressful for her.

    Her weight is 740 grams.

    Thank You

  19. Serious fuzzy thank you's to Olly&Gia from:

    SamtheSquirrel2018 (06-04-2023)

  20. #18
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    Default Re: Please Help!

    I sent you dosing by PM for both of the ibuprophen so you have it regardless of which you end up getting.

  21. 2 TSBers pass along the fuzzy thanks to CritterMom:

    Olly&Gia (06-04-2023), SamtheSquirrel2018 (06-04-2023)

  22. #19
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    Hello again Olly & Gia:
    I have been thinking of Gia during the night and another option I would like to recommend that you consider (in addition to contacting a local Vet be to try to contact Dr. Alicia Emerson at the Ravenwood Veterinary Clinic in Port Orange Florida ( ). They open at 7am EDT! Dr. E has very extensive experience with Squirrels in general and in particular with Squirrel Dental issues including Dental Injuries. She has performed many dental surgeries including those very complicated procedures for treating odontomas. I would suggest sending a brief narrative along with the photos of Gia's tooth to Revenwood ( ) now and then call the office when it opens. It would be a good strategy to get Dr. E's opinion and recommendations for a treatment plan!

  23. #20
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    Please let me know if you need other resources for a vet. I know of a couple of vets near San Antonio, but can’t confirm they take squirrels….it’s worth calling, though. I know there’s a vet in Grapevine, TX that sees squirrels.

    If the tooth is broken, it will undoubtedly grow back provided the tooth bed hasn’t been damaged. I have a released squirrel that has broken a top tooth a couple of times and it regrew. What you will need to watch for is the lower tooth over-growing in the meantime. It may require a trim until the top is fully grown.

  24. Serious fuzzy thank you's to Mel1959 from:

    Olly&Gia (06-06-2023)

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