Release Question!
My almost 11 month old grey squirrel Kiki is moving to her outdoor enclosure/ release cage in a few days. I found her when she was just days old and overwintered her (I live in New England and she would not have survived the harsh winter being released last November.) I’m doing a soft release in my backyard. My chicken coop has been renovated for her to have an indoor and outdoor area. Once she is released I’ll still provide shelter and food/water for as long as she’s around. Plenty of squirrels live at my house- I have chickens, ducks and geese so there’s always plenty of food . I’m hoping she sticks around but that’s totally up to her.
My main question is- once she’s in her outside release cage should I stop all handling/contact? I read that she needs to “wild up,” for a couple months to let her instincts come out. She does spend a good chunk of the day pining at the window, but she is also so cuddly and wants to be pet for hours. We are obviously very bonded. I’m all she’s ever known and spend time together everyday. Since she will be living in/around my backyard once she’s released, is it really necessary to stop all contact once she’s moved outside?
I just want to do right by her- if no contact is what is best then I will do that. I just don’t want her to think I’m abandoning her. Her whole world is already going to be thrown upside down by moving and I don’t want to make the transition any harder for her.