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Thread: Evaporation?

  1. #1
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    Default Evaporation?

    Real quick - something I’ve been wondering:

    When I measure out the baby’s formula, I add 1/2 ml to the cold measure because it seems to evaporate about that much when I heat it (example: feeding 11ml, I measure 11 1/2 ml and after heating am able to draw up 11ml)…

    Am I doing this wrong? Is this, in effect, *over feeding* since it’s water (I’m guessing) that’s evaporating when it heats up and not the formula, itself?

    I’m a little perplexed. Thank you!

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Evaporation?

    Quote Originally Posted by Templeton View Post
    Real quick - something I’ve been wondering:

    When I measure out the baby’s formula, I add 1/2 ml to the cold measure because it seems to evaporate about that much when I heat it (example: feeding 11ml, I measure 11 1/2 ml and after heating am able to draw up 11ml)…

    Am I doing this wrong? Is this, in effect, *over feeding* since it’s water (I’m guessing) that’s evaporating when it heats up and not the formula, itself?

    I’m a little perplexed. Thank you!
    Heating a liquid will increase evaporation but the primary variables are: 1) the amount of heating (for instance, are you boiling the formula which ordinarily should not be done), 2) the duration of heating (how long are you heating the formula), and 3) the nature of the liquid you are heating (the type of formula you are using). Also, to answer your question about the presence of water in your Squirrel's formula; most of all formulas is water but the water is necessary for basic hydration and to provide the consistency of the formula and it is this fluid component that will evaporate. The scheduled amount of formula is based on the total makeup of the formula which includes the water.

    Just to have a baseline amount of information; what does you Squirrel weigh, what type formula are you using, how are you heating the formula and how long and to what temperature are you heating it? These are important considerations but on the other hand, 1/2ml is a tiny amount (there are 5ml in a teaspoon). It is usually expected that if you add only exact amount of formula that you need to a container and then try to pull it all up into a syringe, invariably some will remain in the original container and the final volume will be less than anticipated.

    My suggestion would be, again assuming you are using a reputable formula, are not boiling it and only warming it, and using it right away and not letting continue to heat or sit out, would be for you to do what you are already doing and use a little extra formula, warm it if desired and then pull up the needed amount of formula and dispose of any that remains in your warming container (or save it while you are feeding your little one and have it on reserve in the event that some formula is lost by not being spit out or inadvertently lost from your syringe.

    Please go very slow with the feeding of the formula and hold your Squirrel upright; NEVER on his back. It is important to avoid aspiration of the formula or aspiration of anything at all for that matter! Aspiration is where material (usually liquid when we are feeding or hydrating our Squirrels) goes into the windpipe, smaller breathing tubes, and the lungs instead of going into the stomach where of course it all should go.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Evaporation?

    Quote Originally Posted by SamtheSquirrel2018 View Post
    Heating a liquid will increase evaporation but the primary variables are: 1) the amount of heating (for instance, are you boiling the formula which ordinarily should not be done), 2) the duration of heating (how long are you heating the formula), and 3) the nature of the liquid you are heating (the type of formula you are using). Also, to answer your question about the presence of water in your Squirrel's formula; most of all formulas is water but the water is necessary for basic hydration and to provide the consistency of the formula and it is this fluid component that will evaporate. The scheduled amount of formula is based on the total makeup of the formula which includes the water.

    Just to have a baseline amount of information; what does you Squirrel weigh, what type formula are you using, how are you heating the formula and how long and to what temperature are you heating it? These are important considerations but on the other hand, 1/2ml is a tiny amount (there are 5ml in a teaspoon). It is usually expected that if you add only exact amount of formula that you need to a container and then try to pull it all up into a syringe, invariably some will remain in the original container and the final volume will be less than anticipated.

    My suggestion would be, again assuming you are using a reputable formula, are not boiling it and only warming it, and using it right away and not letting continue to heat or sit out, would be for you to do what you are already doing and use a little extra formula, warm it if desired and then pull up the needed amount of formula and dispose of any that remains in your warming container (or save it while you are feeding your little one and have it on reserve in the event that some formula is lost by not being spit out or inadvertently lost from your syringe.

    Please go very slow with the feeding of the formula and hold your Squirrel upright; NEVER on his back. It is important to avoid aspiration of the formula or aspiration of anything at all for that matter! Aspiration is where material (usually liquid when we are feeding or hydrating our Squirrels) goes into the windpipe, smaller breathing tubes, and the lungs instead of going into the stomach where of course it all should go.
    There is a "not" that should not have been in my post: I wrote about having some extra formula saved during feeding and said "have it on reserve in the event that some formula is lost by not being spit out or inadvertently lost from your syringe." The word "not" shouldn't be there and the sentence should read; have it on reserve in the event that some formula is lost by being spit out or inadvertently lost from your syringe."
    Sorry if I caused some confusion.

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    Default Re: Evaporation?

    She is apx. 6 weeks old, weighing right at about 160g. I have had her for just over a month now. Perfect health! Formula is FV 20/50, administered by Miracle Nipple 3ml syringe. She sits appropriately upright and is fed very slowly.

    Formula is mixed 1 part powder:2 parts warm water, made each night and refrigerated to be used the next day.

    Process of heating: cold measured formula is put into a tiny stainless metal cup that sits in a warm water bath. Water is heated in a tea kettle until just before the whistle sound (not sure what temperature that is), and the tiny cup is placed in the water bath and sits in it for somewhere around 1-2 minutes. I test it on the inside of my wrist to make sure it's not too hot.

    Essentially, when I measure (for example) 11.5ml cold formula, I find that by the end of administering it I have only been able to get 11ml into the syringes, leading me to believe that the extra 1/2ml has evaporated and, I assume, created more of a concentration. Sounds like this 1/2ml isn't as concerning as I thought it would be, but these meals are so tiny and specifically measured, I just wanted to know if I should be using 11ml cold formula or 11ml warm formula.

    Thank you for your information!

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Evaporation?

    Quote Originally Posted by Templeton View Post
    She is apx. 6 weeks old, weighing right at about 160g. I have had her for just over a month now. Perfect health! Formula is FV 20/50, administered by Miracle Nipple 3ml syringe. She sits appropriately upright and is fed very slowly.

    Formula is mixed 1 part powder:2 parts warm water, made each night and refrigerated to be used the next day.

    Process of heating: cold measured formula is put into a tiny stainless metal cup that sits in a warm water bath. Water is heated in a tea kettle until just before the whistle sound (not sure what temperature that is), and the tiny cup is placed in the water bath and sits in it for somewhere around 1-2 minutes. I test it on the inside of my wrist to make sure it's not too hot.

    Essentially, when I measure (for example) 11.5ml cold formula, I find that by the end of administering it I have only been able to get 11ml into the syringes, leading me to believe that the extra 1/2ml has evaporated and, I assume, created more of a concentration. Sounds like this 1/2ml isn't as concerning as I thought it would be, but these meals are so tiny and specifically measured, I just wanted to know if I should be using 11ml cold formula or 11ml warm formula.

    Thank you for your information!
    It sounds as if you are very conscientious in the care of your Squirrel! That is truly awesome! You are mixing the FV the way it is recommended and your calculation based on the (5)-7% guide is also correct! I did not want to imply that the 1/2ml is not a concern however. In reality, if you use the feeding calculation as many do and give 5-7% (I usually prefer close to 7% if possible), the 1/2ml truly doesn't matter BUT the formula calculations are really a prescription, not of course for medication but for nutrition which is also critical! Even with most medications, there is "wiggle room" for dosing; some have more wiggle room than others however. That being said, a very good practice for mixing and dosing prescription medications as well as prescriptions for nutrition is to strive be as exact as you can be with your mixing and dosing (which again, you are doing!).

    I would simply chalk up the loss of the 1/2ml to evaporation and to some of the formula being left in the container and just prepare a little extra FV than you have been doing and then you will have that 1/2ml and more if you need it (and for the reasons I mentioned in my earlier post, that's what I would do) and then draw up as close to the correct amount in your syringe and give the full 11.5ml of FV formula to your Squirrel for each feeding.

    Another method for warming the formula that you might want to consider is drawing up the formula in your syringe first and then heat a cup of water in a microwave to hot but not boiling and then hold the syringe with the formula in the heated water for about 30 seconds (give or take) and then pull it out, shake it gently to distribute the heat, and then test it on your wrist as you have been doing to ensure that "Goldilocks" would drink it (not too warm but not too cold!). That is the method I use and it seems easier, possibly less messy, and will help to conserve your formula. Along the lines of temperature, another thing to consider is that the formula should be warm but never hot (and you are checking for this which is also wonderful) but being on the warmer side (warmer than lukewarm) is usually preferred by baby Squirrels.


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    Default Re: Evaporation?

    Quote Originally Posted by SamtheSquirrel2018 View Post
    Another method for warming the formula that you might want to consider is drawing up the formula in your syringe first and then heat a cup of water in a microwave to hot but not boiling and then hold the syringe with the formula in the heated water for about 30 seconds (give or take) and then pull it out, shake it gently to distribute the heat…
    This was how I did it when I first started but found that the formula was seeping out of the syringe and into the water, so I opted for the process I use now…

    Oh - and we’re a no-microwave house, so the tea kettle it is! Haha!

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Evaporation?

    Quote Originally Posted by Templeton View Post
    This was how I did it when I first started but found that the formula was seeping out of the syringe and into the water, so I opted for the process I use now…

    Oh - and we’re a no-microwave house, so the tea kettle it is! Haha!
    It will be fine the way you currently doing it! Your Squirrel is lucky to have you! Please weigh the little one each day before beginning feeding and adjust the amount of formula accordingly.

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