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Thread: Can a vet on here sell baytril? How much do i give if I have 10% baytril?

  1. #1
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    Exclamation Can a vet on here sell baytril? How much do i give if I have 10% baytril?

    I have 10% liquid baytril but idk how much to give my poor baby. Hes about 5 weeks. Eyes open and has fur. He is clicking with each breath. How much baytril should I give him if the baytril I have is 10%? How soon after giving it to him will he get better. He refused his last feeding of 20/50 fv. I gave him sugar water mixed with yogurt for probiotic. He barely had any. I feed him with a miracle nipple and a 3mm syringe.

    Thank in advance.
    Very worried mama.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Can a vet on here sell baytril? How much do i give if I have 10% baytril?

    We need to know how much he weighs: Meds are dosed by weight.

  3. Serious fuzzy thank you's to Spanky from:

    Ohhai (08-26-2021)

  4. #3
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    Default Re: Can a vet on here sell baytril? How much do i give if I have 10% baytril?

    She is 77.39 grams.

  5. #4
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    Default Re: Can a vet on here sell baytril? How much do i give if I have 10% baytril?

    You can buy Baytril here:

    But you already have Baytril 10%, correct... give me a few minutes to work up the dosing and I will PM the info.

  6. Serious fuzzy thank you's to Spanky from:

    Ohhai (08-26-2021)

  7. #5
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    Default Re: Can a vet on here sell baytril? How much do i give if I have 10% baytril?

    Yes that's the exact company I had bought it from. That's the 10% I have.

    Thank you so much!

  8. #6
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    Default Re: Can a vet on here sell baytril? How much do i give if I have 10% baytril?

    Dosing sent in a Private Message (PM).

    If there are any questions or need of clarification, please ask!

  9. #7
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    Default Re: Can a vet on here sell baytril? How much do i give if I have 10% baytril?

    I gave him the first dose of baytril. He had started to convulse so i immediately rubbed honey on his gums. His gums look a normal color. He hasnt convulsed sense I gave him honey though he is very shaky still. The clicking noise has almost stopped. I can only hear it very very faintly now. He has perked up. He ate some sugar water with yogurt which, an hour ago he refused to eat. He has been clinging to me, so it seems he still has some strength.

  10. #8
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    Default Re: Can a vet on here sell baytril? How much do i give if I have 10% baytril?

    It likely isn't a seizure. The class of drugs that baytril belongs to are LITERALLY one of the most bitter substances in the world. Just vile. If it is not flavored, it is likely a response to the taste. Try this: after you pull up the correct amount in the syringe, before you put it in his mouth. dip the tip in honey or syrup or even table sugar, THEN give it.

    And 5 week babies shake like crazy - I believe it has to do with trying to hold up their big heads!

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