Does anyone have experience with calcium enriched cereals that could be options
either as a treat or as filler in home made nuggets
for forever homed squirrels?
Does anyone have experience with calcium enriched cereals that could be options
either as a treat or as filler in home made nuggets
for forever homed squirrels?
I occasionally put granola in my boo balls. I’ve heard others will occasionally give a Rice Chex square as a treat. For homemade nuggets are you referring to Boo Balls? If so, I’m not sure what’s your base is for your nuggets. I use finely ground Harlan Teklad rodent block as my base.
BigNibbler (04-11-2021), Buddy (04-11-2021), island rehabber (04-12-2021)
My late, great Mister P was a HUGE fan of rice chex, which are nutritionally corrected with added calcium to counter the rice: He liked them more than he did nuts!
island rehabber (04-12-2021), Nancy in New York (04-12-2021)
I am hoping I can hear a variety of cereal suggestions.. or various grains, flours, etc. ?
Right. Yes. Actually I would like to explore the idea of greatly reducing the Fox Valley that I use in the Boo Balls. I worry that it may too much minerals etc, for the long haul .
And I am not able to get an accurate mg breakdown on the ingredients per 100 grams for example. Or the percentage.
So figure it might be to consider other options.
The FV I feel is much finer and more absorbing than the Nuggets and nut parts of the balls.
That is what I would like to replace or partially replace.
Are you providing any type of rodent block? Rodent block is a necessity.
There are boo ball recipes in the squirrel nutrition section.
I tried the Rice Chex, so far, universally hated!
Are you providing a rodent block? Which one?
Mel, I PM'd you on Sunday.
But yes, I do HT 2018.
Still - no one likes or even wants to nibble the Rice Chex.
One source of grain readily accepted by tree squirrels is cooked oatmeal (Preferably organic and slow to quick cook, but not instant ; for the more processed it is, the less nutritious it is. With oatmeal, since phosphorus is higher than calcium by considerable, just like corn is, calcium would need to be increased, preferably with Calcium citrate; otherwise calcium carbonate in this grain will bond with the amount of oxalic acid in the grain, lowering it's availability to the body. Oatmeal, unlike wheat, rye amaranth, kashi, barley, buckwheat, and other various grains and their bran, are high in this calcium lowering anti-nutrient, yet in hulled oats they are at a moderate level; thus oats have less loss of calcium to this natural calcium lowering compound (oxalic acid) found in all grains.
fanofmothernature (03-12-2023)
A chunk of deer antler is a rich natural source of calcium (sold by pet shops). Weaning foods include Farley's rusks (which include calcium), pine nuts, pecan nuts, avocado, and kale.
island rehabber (03-22-2023)
What are boo balls? Can flyers have them? Are they used as treats?
Boo balls are homemade rodent balls. I make them and feed them to my wilds and my flyer. There are recipes in the nutrition section. Basically I grind up Envigo Harlan Teklad 2018 rodent block and mix it with veggie/fruit combo baby food, some ground nuts (pecans, almonds and walnuts) for flavor, add FV 20/50 dry formula and some coconut or avocado oil. Once mixed it should hold together and be able to be rolled into a ball, not sticky. Harlan is a 100% nutritionally complete rodent block, so the boo balls can be free feeding, if you want. My wilds get them in the late afternoon before they get nuts. My flyer gets one a day along with 1/2 a Henry’s block and veggies. Sometimes he eats it and sometimes he doesn’t.![]()
Thank you!!! I will have to try them.