Hi so I have two 6-7 week old baby squirrels who are still on formula. One of them was aspirated early last week and started with symptoms such as sneezing and breathing with her mouth open. I began giving her medication Cipro 500mg at a .04 dose every 24 hours. Her symptoms cleared and then this morning she started breathing with her mouth open again but it sneezing a lot more. She did aspirate a little last night when I was feeding her. She was also extremely bloated this morning and I gave her some infant gas relief to relieve the bloating. She stopped acting sick and was eager to eat and play but about an hour later she is breathing with her mouth open again and sneezing. I'm not sure if this is actually pneumonia or could it potentially be a type of upper respiratory infection or a little cold and shes just breathing through her mouth because her nose is stuffy? When I put her up to my ear to see if there is any clicking when she is breathing I dont hear anything in her chest but there is clicking coming from her mouth so its a bit hard to tell if that is actually the clicking from pneumonia. She has had pneumonia previously about 2 weeks ago but was cleared of symptoms until this Wednesday. I know it sounds silly that I think she may have a cold of something of that sort but I am currently sneezing a lot right now as well and am having really bad allergies. I just want to make sure she is okay. Also if she does have a cold or an infection would the medicine clear that as well? This is day 5 that she has been on the medication. Thank you for any help that if given.