I have my 10-month squirrel inside with me again to heal a broken leg and I believe she got coccidia from eating some of the dirt I gave her from my backyard. The day after I saw her eat a chunk of the dirt she started having very liquidy poops that are light brown and have been having more blood in them recently.
I have been giving her yogurt, watermelon, Henry's Blocks, and water since the diarrhea started, and prior she was eating Henry's Blocks, pecans, avocado, water, and a bit of Fox Valley formula.
I talked to the rehabber in my area who has been helping me out (it's not legal to help out squirrels in my area) and she recommended CORID or Albon for coccidia.
I found CORID for cattle at a store nearby and am wondering - how much should I give her? I also order baycox just in case I'll need it, yet it won't arrive for a week or so (or longer with the holidays) so I want to make sure I do everything I can to keep her alive and well.
I can post pictures of her poops if that helps and provide any more info that would be helpful. I also may say she's a rat and bring her poop to the nearby vet hospital to get tested, but with the holidays and them not being open today I don't want to prolong her treatment any longer.
Please let me know anything that you think will be helpful - my baby (who is no longer a baby but will always be my baby) and I will be grateful for it!
Thank you!!
Tulsi's Mom