I have a sick 3 week old grey. She has aspirated and is clicking. She isn’t gaining weight! Please please please help.
Thank you
I have a sick 3 week old grey. She has aspirated and is clicking. She isn’t gaining weight! Please please please help.
Thank you
She is only 2 ounces
Nancy in New York (08-21-2020)
No I have an order being delivered tomorrow. But not tonight. I have 6 ml that I got from Rural King. Her teeth are thru which is why I thought she was about 3 weeks.
How old do you think she is?
3 weeks appears about right, pay attention to when she opens her eyes,
their eyes open pretty much like clock work at 5 weeks of age.
What have you been feeding her for formula, how much, how often?
Here is a link that can help you on baby squirrel care,
it's 6 pages long with the next button on the top right corner.
Below is the solution for home made hydration fluid.
1 teaspoon salt
3 Tablespoons sugar
1 quart water.
1/2 measure:
1/2 teaspoon salt
1-1/2 tablespoon sugar (3-teaspoons)
16 oz water (1-pint)
1/4 measure:
1/4 teaspoon salt
3/4 tablespoon sugar (1-1/2 teaspoons)
8 oz water
State Licensed
Wildlife Master Rehabilitator
Nancy in New York (08-21-2020)
Yes, I have an order coming from H pets. I have been feeding her the Goats milk/yogurt/cream/1/2egg formula.
Nancy in New York (08-21-2020), RockyPops (08-21-2020)
I just wanted to give you an update. The proper nipple/syringe came yesterday. She really didn’t know what to do with it but I kept at it slowly and fed her pedialyte as much as she would take thru the night hourly. Then after six hours, I gave her goats milk/cream etc formula as much as she would take and she sucked it down like a pro. It wasn’t As much what she should be eating but I had been feeding her hourly. And I read that it’s better to slowly transition anyway. She is looking so much better. She has gain a tiny bit. Thank you so much for your help. I was completely beside myself. But now, I think she’s going to pull through. So glad fedex came as well. Having the proper nipple was a game changer.
Now that she’s gotten the hang of sucking on the nipple make sure you hold back slightly on the plunger so she doesn’t suck too much at once.
island rehabber (08-24-2020)