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Thread: Help! Cat found baby squirrel!

  1. #1
    Krystal06 Guest

    Default Help! Cat found baby squirrel!

    I got a baby squirrel brought to me yesterday by a friend. I have raised squirrels before but never injured ones. This little guy has scratches on one leg but other than that he looks fine. Not sure about internal injuries. Anyway I gave him pedialyte yesterday and switched to ebsilac today. He won’t eat it at all. He drank the pedialyte but today he just sleeps. I also think he may be sneezing tiny drops of blood.
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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2017
    Cumming, GA
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    Default Re: Help! Cat found baby squirrel!

    With a cat attack you have to give them antibiotics as soon as possible.
    Cat saliva has viruses in it that kills small animals.
    Is there any wildlife center or wildlife rehabber near you that you can rush it to?

    Check this list for someone close to you...

    What antibiotics do you have on hand?... Cipro, Baytril, Clavamox.. etc

    I see it is illegal to have a squirrel in illinois, so you probably cannot take it to a vet.
    Sadly, if the attack was 24 hours ago, and he is sneezing blood... it may already be too late to save him.

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