Please help! I've had a 4-5 week old squirrel for 2 days. He's been fine and active and peeing. I haven't seem him poop at all since I've had him. I feed him 3-5 CCs every 4 hours or so. Today I noticed at 230 he was seizing up! I saw quickly that he was hypoglycemic. I gave him a little syrup on his mouth. He breathing was so labored, I was sure he wasn't going to make it. Well he did pull through, and I gave him a little water (homemade pedialyte water) every 30 min- hour. I thought maybe he was very constipated because of the formula, the puppy powder from Walmart. I went to the store and got ingredients to make the goat's milk and yogurt. As soon as I went to feed him, he had a little seizing fit again. Not as bad as before. I was able to get a little of the new formula in and a little syrup too in case his sugar dropped. I have him a bath and massaged his booty. It is very hard around his anus. If that is poop, I don't know how in the world i will get it out! He also isn't very bloated. Any advice is greatly appreciated!! Now hes seized three times!