My squirrel peanutty, who is about 7, started having strange symptoms last week. He was sitting in one corner of his cage with his head down. He cried when I touched him and he was not eating or drinking or sleeping. We went to the vet, did xrays and bloodwork that were both clear. I made the decision 3 days later to put him down, worried he was in pain despite his pain medication. When I woke up, he was better. No more head pressing, started eating and drinking. Fast forward 3 more days and his symptoms have returned. The vet thought he was neurologic, like he had a stroke, brain lesion or had consumed something toxic. The only difference in his diet has been some acorns my dad brought in, we float tested them before giving them to him. This has been an emotional rollercoaster of a week, and I'm confused and sad and have absolutely zero answers. Any advice would be so appreciated. I've contacted my vet again but I believe she has gone to sleep and I'm terrified of waking up to find him gone.