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Thread: How long do I need a heat source for flyer?

  1. #1
    nicoleyost Guest

    Default How long do I need a heat source for flyer?

    Newbie here! I have a baby flying squirrel that I found in my yard a few weeks ago. I believe he is about 12 weeks old. I currently have a heating pad on low under his cage, and we are keeping the room he's in warmer than the rest of the house. My question is how long does he need a supplemental heat source before he is fine on his own? We were out of town last week, and our house/pet sitter took very poor care of him. His heating pad was no longer under his cage and we found him in pretty lethargic condition. We've nursed him back to health again, but I was wondering how long he'll need the heating pad or if anyone has any better suggestions for heat sources.


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    Default Re: How long do I need a heat source for flyer?

    Hi Nicole, to TheSquirrelBoard

    How have you determined the age? Do you have a weight? If he is indeed 12 weeks old (84days) he would be capable of independent living if he was outside in nature. Technically he wouldn't need a heating source BUT, it's pretty cold in some areas and he is a singleton and has no one to snuggle with. Flyers are colony dwellers so in a drey or tree cavity they would share body heat to stay warm.

    I offer heat as long as they want/need it. The way to determine that is to put a hanging cube or pouch suspended from the top of the cage. Some people use Crown Royal bags. You could put small pieces of fleece in the pouch or bag. I would also have a pile of fleece or a pouch on the bottom of the cage over the heating pad. The heating pad should be on LOW under half of the cage. It should be under the cage, NEVER in the cage as they will chew the cord. This gives him a choice. If he doesn't need the heat he will move into the hanging pouch. At that point you can discontinue the supplemental heat.

    That's a real shame that the sitter didn't take proper care of your baby. Unfortunately that is one of the issues owning a flyer. Good help is hard to find.

    What are you feeding him? We would love to see pics of your little one.

  3. 2 TSBers pass along the fuzzy thanks to HRT4SQRLS:

    cava (11-24-2018)

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