IMPORTANT: Breaking News: CDC warning on Romaine Lettuce E. COLI outbreak; people have already died from this contamination, and presently the CDC hasn't as yet determined the specific source of this potentially bacterial contamination.
CDC stated to dispose of all Romaine lettuce, and any lettuces that have come into contact with Romaine Lettuce, such as in mixes without exception without exception! This includes those sources you have partially eaten, or may have fed already.
Based on cross contamination issues with this lettuce, this would include without exception the disposal of any source mixed in with this lettuce in a salad, like tomatoes, olives, etc. or that which the lettuce is combined with, as in a sandwich, or stored with in the same container.
Best not to eat/feed any leafy greens till the CDC determines the source of the contamination, for it could be from a processing plant that handles other leafy green sources also.
Practicing safe food preparation protocols of blanching all greens and vegetable sources to destroy E. coli contamination prior to feeding or eating, is highly advisable!