MBD treatment (see MBD in the Specific Ailments Forum) begins with giving 500 mg. elemental calcium, given in 5 divided portions of 100 mg. each
over 24 hours.
The same inverted ratio of Phosphorus to Calcium that causes the bones to give up calcium resulting in MBD over time,
can also promote the formation of kidney stones concurrently.
Calcium citrate, another form of calcium, may be a better option to use to treat for MBD, as it also inhibits the formation of kidney stones.
It also stays in the bloodstream longer, which a key factor to overcoming MBD. Calcium citrate has no bitter taste to it.
Calcium citrate powder from "Frontier Naturals", reduced to 3/4 Tsp. provides 500 mg. of elemental calcium.
This likewise used a divided dose, but would be six equal portions of total daily dose (3/4 Tsp. = 6/8 Tsp.) six equal portions of (1/8 Tsp.).