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Thread: Please help 7 week old

  1. #21
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    Default Re: Please help 7 week old

    OMG! These pictures are the EXACT reason my boyfriend will not allow me to have lil Ashlie out of her cage roaming "free".
    Sadly, it has gotten to the point where she just wants to be in her cage and she wont let me take her out, but she will groom me or climb around all over me during feeding time.

  2. #22
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    Default Re: Please help 7 week old

    Babies are different than full growns. I did share my life with a male fluffbottom for 10 years, and I won't deny it was fully worth it. However....I think it is a rare find to have a squirrel that will enjoy living inside. I have never had another that wasn't destined to be outside where they are naturally meant to be. They need the outside of the cage playtime and exercise (lots and lots!)...which does mean your house will suffer. Also your skin will always have scratches from playtime, your hair...well, it will never be the same. I don't know why they like to spin around on the top of your head, but I get a true squirrel hairdo every morning aka: it will resemble a rat's nest with bangs. But yet, the hardest part is not being able to usually get easy vet care. There is no worse feeling in the world than not being able to help them when, and if it becomes necessary. It is a most hopeless feeling I hate for anyone to endure. I had to drive hours to a vet that could help my Nemo when he developed a tooth issue...and it is a pure panic feeling, especially when time is of value to them. And if you like to ever go anywhere overnight...forget it. Your inside squirrel will most likely never take to another person and it can be hard to ever take a vacation or weekend away. 10 years is a long time....

    Also...if you have ever been bitten...and it can be quite vicious and is very pit bull like and to the is very hard to overcome the fear of being bitten again. And you can never blame them or hold it against them. Then what? You can't decide then, to let him go (thats almost a death sentence and completely unfair) have made it necessary to house him 'forever' now. 10 years, or longer, is a very long time. If you plan on keeping him, your life will change. There are positives and negatives...but you can't change your mind is a big commitment on your part.

    Like I said, I don't regret was fascinating and so wonderful...but also so rare to have one that likes to be inside living life as you do vs. flying through the trees and finding mates and doing what they do best. Having been there and done it, I don't recommend it unless you have a baby that can never endure the outdoors on his own due to medical reasons. Think hard what is best for him, not you.

  3. 2 TSBers pass along the fuzzy thanks to dr3am:

    Mel1959 (10-11-2018), Sottinger (10-11-2018)

  4. #23
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    Default Re: Please help 7 week old

  5. Serious fuzzy thank you's to Mel1959 from:

    dr3am (10-11-2018)

  6. #24
    Join Date
    Sep 2018
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    Default Re: Please help 7 week old

    Quote Originally Posted by dr3am View Post
    Babies are different than full growns. I did share my life with a male fluffbottom for 10 years, and I won't deny it was fully worth it. However....I think it is a rare find to have a squirrel that will enjoy living inside. I have never had another that wasn't destined to be outside where they are naturally meant to be. They need the outside of the cage playtime and exercise (lots and lots!)...which does mean your house will suffer. Also your skin will always have scratches from playtime, your hair...well, it will never be the same. I don't know why they like to spin around on the top of your head, but I get a true squirrel hairdo every morning aka: it will resemble a rat's nest with bangs. But yet, the hardest part is not being able to usually get easy vet care. There is no worse feeling in the world than not being able to help them when, and if it becomes necessary. It is a most hopeless feeling I hate for anyone to endure. I had to drive hours to a vet that could help my Nemo when he developed a tooth issue...and it is a pure panic feeling, especially when time is of value to them. And if you like to ever go anywhere overnight...forget it. Your inside squirrel will most likely never take to another person and it can be hard to ever take a vacation or weekend away. 10 years is a long time....

    Also...if you have ever been bitten...and it can be quite vicious and is very pit bull like and to the is very hard to overcome the fear of being bitten again. And you can never blame them or hold it against them. Then what? You can't decide then, to let him go (thats almost a death sentence and completely unfair) have made it necessary to house him 'forever' now. 10 years, or longer, is a very long time. If you plan on keeping him, your life will change. There are positives and negatives...but you can't change your mind is a big commitment on your part.

    Like I said, I don't regret was fascinating and so wonderful...but also so rare to have one that likes to be inside living life as you do vs. flying through the trees and finding mates and doing what they do best. Having been there and done it, I don't recommend it unless you have a baby that can never endure the outdoors on his own due to medical reasons. Think hard what is best for him, not you.
    This is my first rescue, even though I have been squirrel crazy obesessed for years and years.
    I think squirrel lovers that have never raised one, see the videos posted on instagram and facebook of the cute lil pet squirrels (one in particular- LIttle Thumbalina girl) that love to be cuddled, pet, dresses up ect. and people get THAT expectation.
    Since jointing the board, and having a lil one of my own, I have relized that that life is RARE (I tell all my friends that think thats what it is like to have one, that I swear that lil girl is drugged- joking of course- because that is 1 million percent opposite hahah- she is more like a lazy cat)

    As much as I would love her for a furrever companion, i do know where she belongs. It will be bittersweet releasing her- some days more sweet than bitter and vice versa. lol

  7. Serious fuzzy thank you's to TamiKakes from:

    dr3am (10-11-2018)

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