Jenny has this funny looking mole/clogged pore looking thing on her chest with a black hair growing out of it. Any ideas what it is or if I should be concerned? It's around the area I found a small mark, possibly from some bird of prey.
Jenny has this funny looking mole/clogged pore looking thing on her chest with a black hair growing out of it. Any ideas what it is or if I should be concerned? It's around the area I found a small mark, possibly from some bird of prey.
Last edited by Covel3; 04-19-2017 at 06:48 PM. Reason: Grammar
Could you put a warm compress on it? It looks like it could have something in it.
Covel3 (04-20-2017)
Blew this up for a better look.
Is that dark hair growing out of this little bump?
Looks like a tiny dark pin prick on the very top of the bump as well.
Edit: Sorry you already suggested the dark hair growing out.
Covel3 (04-20-2017)
I'll try a warm compress, thanks!
Hey, we people that do not live in areas where foxers abound, can only survive if we get pictures. Please save us!
Covel3 (04-20-2017), island rehabber (04-20-2017), Lighten-Up (04-20-2017), Milo's Mom (04-20-2017)
Ok all, I'm feeling somewhat embarrassed. I think it's her nipple. there is a whole row of them down each side of her belly. Now, it is the only one with a black hair growing out of it, but the others have hairs too.
and now here are a bunch of pictures!
Mel1959 (04-20-2017), Nancy in New York (04-20-2017), redwuff (04-20-2017)
Oh, and I did try a warm compress
Mel1959 (04-20-2017)
Glad it's only a nipple, better to be safe and ask than sorry.
She is absolutely ADORABLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!