Originally Posted by
island rehabber
I haven't done a long trip with squirrels in awhile, but every day I pack up my 7-week olds to go to work with me. I make formula beforehand, but also have some still in powdered form in a ziploc, in my cooler. This is just in case the pre-made spills or something, at least I can make more if I can get some hot water! The pre-made goes into a thermos. I have a microwaveable disc to keep them warm but, to be honest, at 6 weeks you don't have to worry too much about your baby so long as the heat works in the car. A rice buddy is fine, although they don't stay warm very long. I do like to have some pre-made hydration (honey water or Pedialyte) with me as well if I'm doing a trip that's longer than a couple of hours....squirrels seem to get very dehydrated on long car trips. Hope this helps!