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Thread: Is this turning into pneumonia - what do I do?

  1. #1
    Jpardue90 Guest

    Default Is this turning into pneumonia - what do I do?

    This is my first baby squirrel and I'm worried that she may be developing or already have pneumonia. She still eats really well (she weighs 101 grams and is eating 5 ml of fox valley formula every four hours) and doesn't seem lethargic, but I am hearing clicking in her breathing. She did aspirate some formula yesterday when I wasn't prepared for how hard she would suck the formula out of the syringe. Please let me know if I'm right and this is pneumonia and what to do to get her better. Thank you for any help.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Is this turning into pneumonia - what do I do?

    I'm not getting the video. Is she clicking with every breath in her chest? HOld her up to your ear like a phone to see where the clicking is coming from and if it is in her chest, she will need an antibiotic. Baytril (pets) or Cipro (human) are the best for pneumonia. If you get the med, we can help to dose it. PLEASE do NOT give her any medication without first gettin help from an experienced person. We will need her weight and the mg of the pill that you have.
    Squirrels, squirrels and more squirrels....
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  3. Serious fuzzy thank you's to SammysMom from:

    KarmaKay (03-13-2017)

  4. #3
    Jpardue90 Guest

    Default Re: Is this turning into pneumonia - what do I do?

    I tried putting the video on youtube instead. I think I hear a clicking when I listened to her chest. I can defiantly hear it from her nose when she breathes. Will I need a prescription to get both of those antibiotics? I know a vet a can probably get the one from tomorrow. I work at a dog training center and we have a cabinet with a few kinds a antibiotics but I don't think those are ones we have.

  5. Serious fuzzy thank you's to Jpardue90 from:

    SammysMom (03-12-2017)

  6. #4
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    Default Re: Is this turning into pneumonia - what do I do?

    Hard to hear anything in the video, but you definitely need a prescription or you can ask around for one Cipro tablet form a friend. We can help to break it down and dose it for you. They are often prescribed for UTIs or other infections.
    Squirrels, squirrels and more squirrels....
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  7. #5
    Jpardue90 Guest

    Default Re: Is this turning into pneumonia - what do I do?

    Is Cephalexin something that I could use if I am not able to get either of the others. It is used to treat a lot of the same aliments as Cipro. I know that we have those at work and are a powder in a soft gel capsul. If not my boss works at a vets office and they can probably give me some of the other.

  8. #6
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    Default Re: Is this turning into pneumonia - what do I do?

    It would not be my med of choice.
    Squirrels, squirrels and more squirrels....
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  9. #7
    Jpardue90 Guest

    Default Re: Is this turning into pneumonia - what do I do?


    I'll talk to our vet when they open to see about the Baytril and go through our medicine cabinet to see if we have any Cipro. When I get one or the other I'll be back for help with the dosage. Thank you for your help.

  10. #8
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    Default Re: Is this turning into pneumonia - what do I do?

    What size syringe are you using, And are you using a nipple?

  11. #9
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    Default Re: Is this turning into pneumonia - what do I do?

    Quote Originally Posted by KarmaKay View Post
    What size syringe are you using, And are you using a nipple?
    Good questions. Also what is the name on the syringe that you're using?
    If it's the SOL-M syringes they are WAY too fast and should come with a WARNING!

  12. 2 TSBers pass along the fuzzy thanks to Nancy in New York:

    KarmaKay (03-13-2017), Scott (03-13-2017)

  13. #10
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    Default Re: Is this turning into pneumonia - what do I do?

    I know how scary this can be, I have two little ones about that size. I think I can hear repeated,regular clicking in that video.

    I thought I might have heard that with one of mine but it is not consistent and is not nearly as loud. Based on what you are hearing, I would start an AB now. Cipro is the fastest acting AB for aspiration pneumonia, clavamox is also a good one. We can help you with dosing.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jpardue90 View Post
    I tried putting the video on youtube instead. I think I hear a clicking when I listened to her chest. I can defiantly hear it from her nose when she breathes. Will I need a prescription to get both of those antibiotics? I know a vet a can probably get the one from tomorrow. I work at a dog training center and we have a cabinet with a few kinds a antibiotics but I don't think those are ones we have.
    See my wild squirrel adventures in the thread "Squirtle's yard!":!

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  14. 5 TSBers pass along the fuzzy thanks to TubeDriver:

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  15. #11
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    Default Re: Is this turning into pneumonia - what do I do?

    Quote Originally Posted by TubeDriver View Post
    I know how scary this can be, I have two little ones about that size. I think I can hear repeated,regular clicking in that video.

    I thought I might have heard that with one of mine but it is not consistent and is not nearly as loud. Based on what you are hearing, I would start an AB now. Cipro is the fastest acting AB for aspiration pneumonia, clavamox is also a good one. We can help you with dosing.
    I could definitely hear clicking, and the respiration seemed rapid. I'm sure this baby needs antibiotics.

  16. 2 TSBers pass along the fuzzy thanks to KarmaKay:

    redwuff (03-13-2017), TubeDriver (03-13-2017)

  17. #12
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    Default Re: Is this turning into pneumonia - what do I do?

    Quote Originally Posted by Jpardue90 View Post

    I'll talk to our vet when they open to see about the Baytril and go through our medicine cabinet to see if we have any Cipro.
    When I get one or the other I'll be back for help with the dosage. Thank you for your help.
    Wish you were here...
    The clicking was classic AP and very audible, this baby needs ab's to survive.
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  18. 2 TSBers pass along the fuzzy thanks to stepnstone:

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