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Thread: Hello Everyone :) From Florida

  1. #1
    Kmspeterson Guest

    Smile Hello Everyone :) From Florida

    Hi there! I am hoping to help rescue a squirrel baby in need (even as small as nursing, I nursed for many years, I am used to nighttime feedings ) of a FOREVER home. I have studied so many things about raising and keeping squirrels, I know there are challenges but I am fully ready. My goal is to get my Wildlife Rehabilitation License here in Florida as I just have such a huge heart for animals, wildlife especially. I am starting to do some studying.
    I am a stay at home mom and I have four kids ages 5, 8, 10, & 11. I have homeschooled for the past three years but decided to put my children in school this year. We have only have two pets, two very spoiled bearded dragons. My husband built them a large enclosure so there is plenty of room for them to run around and have full and enriched lives. I attached pictures, just showing some examples of the care we give our dragons! I did have a sugar glider as a child, that would be the closest animal I have taken care of next to a squirrel, although they are still very different. I am in South Florida and I am praying someone finds this post and has a little squirrel life they need help saving!
    Attached Images Attached Images     

  2. 3 TSBers pass along the fuzzy thanks to Kmspeterson:

    czarina (12-20-2016), island rehabber (01-06-2017), Shewhosweptforest (12-19-2016)

  3. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    In the country :)
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    Default Re: Hello Everyone :) From Florida

    Wow! Those dragons are pampered! your husband did an amazing job! and what an amazing offer....and don't you worry...a squirrel will appear....because once touched by squirrel love they just appear....and keep appearing if not now....definitely come February...there will be some little orphans from storms or tree cutters etc. and now that you're on our radar...we'll know where to send them
    Make the world a better animal at a time

    The Peace of Wild Things
    When despair for the world grows in me
    and I wake in the night at the least sound
    in fear of what my life and my children’s lives may be,
    I go and lie down where the wood drake
    rests in his beauty on the water, and the great heron feeds.
    I come into the peace of wild things
    who do not tax their lives with forethought
    of grief. I come into the presence of still water.
    And I feel above me the day-blind stars
    waiting with their light. For a time
    I rest in the grace of the world, and am free.

  4. 3 TSBers pass along the fuzzy thanks to Shewhosweptforest:

    czarina (12-20-2016), Delo729 (12-20-2016)

  5. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    The Cradle of Liberty
    Thanked: 1481

    Default Re: Hello Everyone :) From Florida

    Squirrels will break your heart, you know. They have a way of wrapping those little fingers around your heart and never letting go.
    We live in a heaven created by our virtues --- Muktananda

  6. 3 TSBers pass along the fuzzy thanks to JLM27:

    czarina (12-20-2016), Delo729 (12-20-2016), island rehabber (01-06-2017)

  7. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Thanked: 12752

    Default Re: Hello Everyone :) From Florida

    Hi Kmspeterson
    to TheSquirrelBoard

    Thanks for your interest in helping wildlife in Florida. There is a huge need for your help. We have VERY few members in South FL and none that are active. We could really use your help. TSB is a worldwide board. People that find injured or baby squirrels find TSB as they research the Internet. We are always looking for someone to help babies. Florida is especially busy because the baby season is almost year round. The hurricanes this year resulted in hundreds of babies needing care. Getting a rehabbers license through the state is a good avenue to pursue. There is an application process, a test (they provide the study materials) and an inspection of your place. There are licensed rehabbers here that could give you some incite regarding the process. Most rehabbers are home based so I'm sure the requirements take that into consideration as far as the inspection.

    Hang around! TSB is an excellent resource for learning. Everything you need to know to be successful can be found here. TSB is also a great resource for networking with others that also love helping squirrels. Welcome again!

  8. 4 TSBers pass along the fuzzy thanks to HRT4SQRLS:

    czarina (12-20-2016), island rehabber (01-06-2017), Scott (01-06-2017)

  9. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    Thanked: 296

    Default Re: Hello Everyone :) From Florida

    Well, here are some items you might want to start acquiring. You can go to and take a look around.

    You will definitely need one of their heating pads. They don't shut off after 2 hours. This will be kept under your squirrel container.( I use a plastic cat carrier for my babies), but there are other containers that others use. But, it needs to be escape proof!

    While you are there, might as well pick up some syringes, 1cc and 3cc.
    I like the miracle nipples. Maybe others can chime in on their preferences?

    Do you sew, by the way? You will need fleece. Lots of fleece. Then some more fleece.

    Welcome, welcome, welcome!!!!! We are glad to have you here. Trust us, it won't be long until your skills are needed.
    Last year, after the flooding, there were hundreds of baby squirrels displaced!

    Read as much as you can here and ask any questions!

  10. 4 TSBers pass along the fuzzy thanks to czarina:

    island rehabber (01-06-2017), Scott (01-06-2017), Shewhosweptforest (12-20-2016)

  11. #6
    Kmspeterson Guest

    Default Re: Hello Everyone :) From Florida

    You are too sweet, gosh, thank you for the warm welcome! He did! He loves a good project.
    QUOTE=Shewhosweptforest;1195783] Wow! Those dragons are pampered! your husband did an amazing job! and what an amazing offer....and don't you worry...a squirrel will appear....because once touched by squirrel love they just appear....and keep appearing if not now....definitely come February...there will be some little orphans from storms or tree cutters etc. and now that you're on our radar...we'll know where to send them [/QUOTE]

  12. #7
    Kmspeterson Guest

    Default Re: Hello Everyone :) From Florida

    Just watching videos of rehabbed squirrels on YouTube and reading stories just wrecks me! Ugh! They are just too sweet. My daughter loves to read about them with me and I can tell she is in love and we haven't even met ours. Ha! QUOTE=JLM27;1195797]Squirrels will break your heart, you know. They have a way of wrapping those little fingers around your heart and never letting go.[/QUOTE]

  13. #8
    Kmspeterson Guest

    Default Re: Hello Everyone :) From Florida

    YES! I sew! I love to sew. I have a enormous roll of polar tech fleece that I had ordered for sewing cloth pads (weird, I know, but I am allergic to chemicals in pads ) I will definitely go check that site out. What should I start sewing?! I need a new fun project for my fabric hoard!
    Thank you for the warm welcome! I am excited to help in any way that I can!

    Quote Originally Posted by czarina View Post
    Well, here are some items you might want to start acquiring. You can go to and take a look around.

    You will definitely need one of their heating pads. They don't shut off after 2 hours. This will be kept under your squirrel container.( I use a plastic cat carrier for my babies), but there are other containers that others use. But, it needs to be escape proof!

    While you are there, might as well pick up some syringes, 1cc and 3cc.
    I like the miracle nipples. Maybe others can chime in on their preferences?

    Do you sew, by the way? You will need fleece. Lots of fleece. Then some more fleece.

    Welcome, welcome, welcome!!!!! We are glad to have you here. Trust us, it won't be long until your skills are needed.
    Last year, after the flooding, there were hundreds of baby squirrels displaced!

    Read as much as you can here and ask any questions!

  14. #9
    Kmspeterson Guest

    Default Re: Hello Everyone :) From Florida

    Thank you so much! I am going to start my application process for the rehab license very soon, hopefully I can make time today for it. I did just get an application approved to work at the South Florida Wildlife Rehabilitation Center (I think that's the full name) near me, I am excited to learn and help them while I wait to be able to help at home too. I have a spare bedroom, but my husband wants to set up an area in the garage and air condition it, we will see. He has a HUGE heart for helping animals too, it's very sweet. Again, thank you for the warm welcome, it is refreshing to have so many friendly people reply the internet can be a mean place, lol

    Quote Originally Posted by HRT4SQRLS View Post
    Hi Kmspeterson
    to TheSquirrelBoard

    Thanks for your interest in helping wildlife in Florida. There is a huge need for your help. We have VERY few members in South FL and none that are active. We could really use your help. TSB is a worldwide board. People that find injured or baby squirrels find TSB as they research the Internet. We are always looking for someone to help babies. Florida is especially busy because the baby season is almost year round. The hurricanes this year resulted in hundreds of babies needing care. Getting a rehabbers license through the state is a good avenue to pursue. There is an application process, a test (they provide the study materials) and an inspection of your place. There are licensed rehabbers here that could give you some incite regarding the process. Most rehabbers are home based so I'm sure the requirements take that into consideration as far as the inspection.

    Hang around! TSB is an excellent resource for learning. Everything you need to know to be successful can be found here. TSB is also a great resource for networking with others that also love helping squirrels. Welcome again!

  15. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    City Island, Bronx, NY
    Thanked: 18692

    Default Re: Hello Everyone :) From Florida

    Welcome, welcome to TSB and DITTO what everyone said above! We do need squirrel rescuers in South Florida, for sure; we are blessed with wonderful folks in the north (JAX) and the central FL areas but the south, practically nobody. Congratulations on applying to work with the Wildlife Rehabilitation center -- it's an excellent way to learn, but keep an open mind about how they rehab small mammals like squirrels. Some are.....ummmm.....not so knowledgeable, to put it mildly.

    I work as a naturalist in a Nature Center up here in NY and we just acquired a juvenile beardie (Spikezilla). I never had, nor took care of, a reptile in my life but I'm madly in love with Spike. He is such a character! Loved the pix of yours.

    We love pix here, as you probably have noticed, so post 'em when you have 'em. Ask, ask ask questions, too -- we love to answer them and if we don't know, we'll find out!
    Island Rehabber
    NY State Licensed
    Wildlife Rehabilitator

    "Ancora Imparo" (I am still learning)

    If you can't afford the vet,
    You can't afford a pet.

    "Better one day in the trees, than a lifetime in a cage."

    '...and the greatest of these, is Love. '

  16. Serious fuzzy thank you's to island rehabber from:

  17. #11
    Kmspeterson Guest

    Default Re: Hello Everyone :) From Florida

    I'm going to keep an open mind for sure. It is part of the Humane Society I believe. And yes, OMIGOSH! Can you believe how sweet beardies are? Such special reptiles. they do actually show emotion, I know they love us. I know they say never keep males and females together but our enclosure is so large and Puff is so slow. He snuggles Ruby, he doesn't hurt her. If he did try though there are so many places to hide. She loves to wave her hand at him. The best.

    QUOTE=island rehabber;1198746]Welcome, welcome to TSB and DITTO what everyone said above! We do need squirrel rescuers in South Florida, for sure; we are blessed with wonderful folks in the north (JAX) and the central FL areas but the south, practically nobody. Congratulations on applying to work with the Wildlife Rehabilitation center -- it's an excellent way to learn, but keep an open mind about how they rehab small mammals like squirrels. Some are.....ummmm.....not so knowledgeable, to put it mildly.

    I work as a naturalist in a Nature Center up here in NY and we just acquired a juvenile beardie (Spikezilla). I never had, nor took care of, a reptile in my life but I'm madly in love with Spike. He is such a character! Loved the pix of yours.

    We love pix here, as you probably have noticed, so post 'em when you have 'em. Ask, ask ask questions, too -- we love to answer them and if we don't know, we'll find out!

  18. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    City Island, Bronx, NY
    Thanked: 18692

    Default Re: Hello Everyone :) From Florida

    Is that a harness on Puff? He's ok with it? I'd love to try that, so that Spike could accompany us on our outdoor nature center events .
    Island Rehabber
    NY State Licensed
    Wildlife Rehabilitator

    "Ancora Imparo" (I am still learning)

    If you can't afford the vet,
    You can't afford a pet.

    "Better one day in the trees, than a lifetime in a cage."

    '...and the greatest of these, is Love. '

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