Hello to all, I a five year old female miniature schnoodle that was playing with a puppy, the puppy is a golden doodle that weighs around 30 to 45 pounds, im not sure what exactly happened but my schnoodle let a blood cuddling yipe and couldn't walk on either legs we took her to the vet as soon as possible and they diagnosed her with a herniated bulging disk, ivdd, after we left with all of her meds, she was able to use her left hind leg but not her right, for the first night she was whining and whimpering, the next day she stopped her whimpering, she went in for Lazer treatment and they drained her bladder with a needle and got a new medication, she still hadn't peed or pooped, we got back from the vet and felt hopeless until I let her out to do her business with no success, we had wrapped her stomach with a sling to help her walk because she still couldn't walk with her right hind leg, after a while we went back inside and as time passed and she got her meds I took her back out, this time I let her walk on her own and she did, to my surprise she went poop but still no pee, then we went to sleep which she was not whining and whimpering powering, this morning I let her out and she pooped again but still no urination, street about an hour I let her out again she went into the neighbors years and finally urinated, we took her to the vet about two hours after to get more Lazer treatment, they said her bladder was still full though can anyone help?!