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Thread: Questions from a first timer

  1. #1
    Jessecara321 Guest

    Default Questions from a first timer

    So my mother in law found a baby squirrel on Tuesday a week ago and I claimed the responsibility of taking care of him Thursday night. I'm assuming he's about 4 weeks old because of the dark hair on his legs and the little white hairs on his tummy.
    He was brought to the spca for a check up on Wednesday and they said he wasn't injured or seemed to have any problems besides being dehydrated and they told us to give him Gatorade for the electralights.
    I did a bunch of research on the Internet and he wasn't responding well to a skin pull test but he honestly didn't look very dehydrated. He had energy to move around on his own and was gladly drinking the Gatorade and seemed quite happy.
    On Friday I decided to get him into formula and slowly introduced it to his diet which he was quite happy about.

    That's the back story and here are my questions:
    The Internet says to use powdered Esbilac puppy formula. In Montreal they only sell Esbilac at the vets and one vet didn't have any and the second vet I went to only had canned liquid Esbilac.
    Is it bad that I'm feeding him the liquid? Should I pick up a different formula that is powder? I asked the vet to order the powder for when the can in finished and they agreed but is that too long to wait?
    A lot of people have been saying don't give the squirrel cows milk but almost everywhere says to had a small amount of heavy cream. So I'm not sure what to do there either. I have been using the heavy cream but will stop if that's not good.

    My sencomd question: am I feeding him too much? I've read some places to feed a baby that is 3-5 weeks 3 cc every 2 hours and other places say feed them 1 cc but not really in a specific time span.
    I feed him every hour (unless im sleeping and then I feed him every 4 hours) and each time he eats a different amount. Sometimes he wants 1 cc and sometimes he wants 3 even tho I fed him an hour before. When he eats 3 cc or 2cc I tend to wait an extra half hour before feeding him again and sometimes I wait 2 hours if he looks like he's content sleeping.
    Is it possible to over feed him and should I slow down? Or should I continue feeding him as much as he wants? (Never more than 3cc)

    And my last question is how often should he be pooping? I've been stimulating him after he eats and he often has a lot of clear pee but only once has he gone number 2 while I've been stimulating him. He does go on his own tho and has pooped on us and in his little nest but I'm worried that he doesn't poop enough.
    It also sometimes comes out hard and other times comes out in a more liquid which makes me concerned. Any thoughts and suggestions on how to fix this?

    I'm sorry for the long post and any answers would be appreciated.
    Since this is my first time taking full care of a baby animal and first time ever being in contact with a squirrel I'm overly worried. I just want what's best for him and I want to keep him healthy.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Questions from a first timer

    Quote Originally Posted by Jessecara321 View Post
    So my mother in law found a baby squirrel on Tuesday a week ago and I claimed the responsibility of taking care of him Thursday night. I'm assuming he's about 4 weeks old because of the dark hair on his legs and the little white hairs on his tummy.
    He was brought to the spca for a check up on Wednesday and they said he wasn't injured or seemed to have any problems besides being dehydrated and they told us to give him Gatorade for the electralights.
    I did a bunch of research on the Internet and he wasn't responding well to a skin pull test but he honestly didn't look very dehydrated. He had energy to move around on his own and was gladly drinking the Gatorade and seemed quite happy.
    On Friday I decided to get him into formula and slowly introduced it to his diet which he was quite happy about.
    ************************************************** ***********************************
    In the future no Gatorade, use Pedalyte or we can tell you how to make a homemade solution.
    The dyes in the Gatorade are not good for squirrels.

    That's the back story and here are my questions:
    The Internet says to use powdered Esbilac puppy formula. In Montreal they only sell Esbilac at the vets and one vet didn't have any and the second vet I went to only had canned liquid Esbilac.
    Is it bad that I'm feeding him the liquid? Should I pick up a different formula that is powder? I asked the vet to order the powder for when the can in finished and they agreed but is that too long to wait?
    ************************************************** ***************************************
    The canned formula is never recommended. It can cause digestive upset, leads to diarrhea and does not contain the nutrients a squirrels needs.
    The Esbilac with the pre and pro biotics is what's recommended and it should say with Whey protein in the ingredients.
    I believe Royal Canin is (sometimes) used in your area but would have to have someone confer as to type. I will try and direct other Canada members to this forum to better assist you.

    A lot of people have been saying don't give the squirrel cows milk but almost everywhere says to had a small amount of heavy cream. So I'm not sure what to do there either. I have been using the heavy cream but will stop if that's not good.
    ************************************************** ********************************************
    I assume your speaking of heavy whipping cream? It does sound conflicting but the heavy whipping cream is ok to use, never cow's milk.

    My sencomd question: am I feeding him too much? I've read some places to feed a baby that is 3-5 weeks 3 cc every 2 hours and other places say feed them 1 cc but not really in a specific time span.
    I feed him every hour (unless im sleeping and then I feed him every 4 hours) and each time he eats a different amount. Sometimes he wants 1 cc and sometimes he wants 3 even tho I fed him an hour before. When he eats 3 cc or 2cc I tend to wait an extra half hour before feeding him again and sometimes I wait 2 hours if he looks like he's content sleeping.
    Is it possible to over feed him and should I slow down? Or should I continue feeding him as much as he wants? (Never more than 3cc)
    ************************************************** *********************************************
    Wow! I almost don't know where to start, that information you got is totally whacked! Squirrels are fed according to their body weight. They should be fed between 5-7% of their body weight. Having a scale that weighs in grams and knowing the weight of your baby is extreamly important and highly essential.
    There is no way a 3 week old and 5 week old would be requiring the same amounts neither would they require to be fed every 2 hours. If your baby is 4 weeks old 3cc's is under feeding while feeding every two hours would be over feeding.
    For example, if your baby was weighing 50 grams, 5% of his body weight would be 4 cc's of formula every feeding. 7% would be 5.6 cc's of formula. And yes, it is possible to over feed and the ensuing results from over feeding are never good.

    And my last question is how often should he be pooping? I've been stimulating him after he eats and he often has a lot of clear pee but only once has he gone number 2 while I've been stimulating him. He does go on his own tho and has pooped on us and in his little nest but I'm worried that he doesn't poop enough. It also sometimes comes out hard and other times comes out in a more liquid which makes me concerned. Any thoughts and suggestions on how to fix this?
    ************************************************** ***************************************
    Your concerns are valid, it's due to the formula you are currently feeding and the misinformation on how you should be feeding him you have been going by.

    I'm sorry for the long post and any answers would be appreciated.
    Since this is my first time taking full care of a baby animal and first time ever being in contact with a squirrel I'm overly worried. I just want what's best for him and I want to keep him healthy.
    No apology necessary, we also want to keep him healthy and provide you with all the information you will need to do just that.
    Is this a grey or Red squirrel that you are inquiring about?
    Can you post a picture so we may better assess his age and condition?
    Last edited by stepnstone; 08-09-2016 at 05:43 AM.
    State Licensed
    Wildlife Master Rehabilitator

  3. 4 TSBers pass along the fuzzy thanks to stepnstone:

    DarkLies212 (08-09-2016), lukaslolamaus (08-09-2016), Nancy in New York (08-09-2016), PennyCash (08-09-2016)

  4. #3
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    Default Re: Questions from a first timer

    Send me your phone number on kimusiek at gmail dot com please.
    I will help you 🐿👍
    My friends, love is better than anger. Hope is better than fear. Optimism is better than despair.
    So let us be loving, hopeful and optimistic. And we’ll change the world.
    Jack Layton.

  5. #4
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    Default Re: Questions from a first timer

    The Esbilac powder formula is the best to feed them, while you are waiting for it to arrive you can feed the squirrel goats milk, fresh or store bought, every 4 hour at 5-7% of their body weight.

    No Cows Milk .... it does not have enough nutrition in it to sustain the life of a squirrel, which will only lead to death over time.

    Baby squirrels need to be stimulated after each feeding to help them go potty, if you do not see any poop from them check cage for droppings as they may be going on their on.

  6. #5
    Jessecara321 Guest

    Default Re: Questions from a first timer

    Quote Originally Posted by stepnstone View Post
    No apology necessary, we also want to keep him healthy and provide you with all the information you will need to do just that.
    Is this a grey or Red squirrel that you are inquiring about?
    Can you post a picture so we may better assess his age and condition?

    Thank you so much for the info. I believe he's a grey squirrel by the colour of his coat.
    Sorry for the late response I finally got a chance to sleep.
    The picture of him on my stomach is from the first day I got him.
    The other is one I just took. (Can't change the Oder on my mobile.)
    The lighting is bad because I won't use a flash and that's the best I could do.
    If you're able to tell the age better than i that would be great.
    I will go to the vet today and hopefully they will have the powder formula and if not I will search other pet shops until I can find it.
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  7. #6
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    Yup, a little grey there. Be sure to switch out the towels for some old shirts or fleece - their nails and toes can get caught in the loops of a towel and cause some damage. I hope you're able to find the formula you need

  8. #7
    Jessecara321 Guest

    Default Re: Questions from a first timer

    Quote Originally Posted by DarkLies212 View Post
    Yup, a little grey there. Be sure to switch out the towels for some old shirts or fleece - their nails and toes can get caught in the loops of a towel and cause some damage. I hope you're able to find the formula you need
    The shirts are a good idea. I'll stop by a thrift shop and pick up something nice and soft he can't get stuck in.
    Thank you very much, all the information is very helpful.

  9. Serious fuzzy thank you's to Jessecara321 from:

    DarkLies212 (08-10-2016)

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