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Thread: Worried about Magenta's arm.. does this look broken?

  1. #1
    Agreenway Guest

    Question Worried about Magenta's arm.. does this look broken?

    Hello everyone! My husband and I found two infant squirrels yesterday in the back yard, they must have either:

    a. fallen from their nest the day before during a very rough storm.
    b. fallen during some sort of attack from the local predator bird that's also been terrorizing my chickens and ducks (who fortunately are in a covered run)

    The nest is extremely high up at the top of a pine tree so both of the babies are pretty bruised up. The female in particular though has a scab/wound on her arm that has me worried. It has some pretty hefty swelling but since i'm not an expert in this area I was hoping that you could take a look at this video and let me know your thoughts (leg in question is her front left, you'll also notice her front left paw seems to point outwards) :

    Additionally, any suggestions would be welcome on the following:
    1. I hear a clicking noise coming from her when breathing. I have not had any issues with aspirating her while feeding so is this likely to be just the normal 'nose clicking' that I've read about? You can hear it in the video (please pardon my breathing which is apparently also audible lol)
    2. Does she look hydrated enough?
    3. Does her skin look too dry?

    Here are her stats:

    Age: unknown (would love some input) - I've had her 32 hours
    weight: 11g
    appetite: ravenous
    Overall seems very active, tends to prefer to be on the warm side (keeps moving towards the side of the box that sits around 95degrees which leaves her little body feeling warm to the touch)

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Worried about Magenta's arm.. does this look broken?

    Welcome to The Squirrel Board.

    I do hear the clicking. It's hard to tell but I would go on the assumption that this is aspiration pneumonia. At 11g you won't have a long window of time to get antibiotics on board if it is, so I wouldn't wait. They crash fast. Do you have any antibiotics? A single pill.

    What are you feeding?

    I think her condition looks good but the clicking concerns me. Does she have an umbilical stump?

  3. #3
    Agreenway Guest

    Default Re: Worried about Magenta's arm.. does this look broken?

    I don't have any antibiotics, but if you tell me what to get (where to get it would be immensely helpful) I will do so immediately. I'm feeding her Esbilac puppy formula and she's downing about .6cc each feeding. As for the umbilical cord, here's another video, hopefully you can see better:

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Worried about Magenta's arm.. does this look broken?

    Oh yes, that's clicking. I would ask friends and family for antibiotics. You really won't have time to order any? See what you can come up with. I think there might be a member near you that might be able to help.

    I'm not an expert on aging pinkies but I would guess maybe 5-6 days old.
    Others will have more knowledge on age.

  5. #5
    Agreenway Guest

    Default Re: Worried about Magenta's arm.. does this look broken?

    Ok, I've raided my stash of pet meds and the only two I have that may be useful are Orbax and Prednisolone (5mg tablets). Either of these useful for the immediate future?

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Worried about Magenta's arm.. does this look broken?

    Orbax... we've never used that before but it is in the fluoroquinolone class. Let see if others have used that before.

    It doesn't have to be 'pet' antibiotics. People antibiotics can be used also. We can break them down for proper dosing for an 11g baby.

    I'm going to alert Triage members so that they won't miss your thread in the AM. It might be missed with the title about the arm. At this time, I wouldn't worry about the arm.

  7. 3 TSBers pass along the fuzzy thanks to HRT4SQRLS:

    DarkLies212 (08-07-2016), Mel1959 (08-07-2016)

  8. #7
    Agreenway Guest

    Default Re: Worried about Magenta's arm.. does this look broken?

    Thank you so much! In the meantime I will reach out to some emergency friends online right now to see what people antibiotics I can come up with and post them. Here is the information on the exact orbax that I have:

    Orbax (orbifloxacin)
    Oral Suspension

    Cat dosage: 3.4mg/lb (7.5mg/kg) of body weight administered once daily
    Dog dosage: 1.1 to 3.4mg/lb of body weight administered once daily

    I'll update this list as I find more options but here are my other available meds:

  9. #8
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    Default Re: Worried about Magenta's arm.. does this look broken?

    Quote Originally Posted by Agreenway View Post
    Thank you so much! In the meantime I will reach out to some emergency friends online right now to see what people antibiotics I can come up with and post them. Here is the information on the exact orbax that I have:
    Orbax (orbifloxacin)
    Oral Suspension
    Cat dosage: 3.4mg/lb (7.5mg/kg) of body weight administered once daily
    Dog dosage: 1.1 to 3.4mg/lb of body weight administered once daily
    I'll update this list as I find more options but here are my other available meds:

    With this information I've read I wouldn't think Orbax would be a consideration especially with a pinky.

    "Orbax is considered safe for use in dogs-cats but should not be administered to puppies under any circumstances.
    In the case of young cats, more severe side effects like cartilage hardening may occur, so it's best to
    avoid using Orbax in kittens if at all possible."

    I do not think Clindamycin would have any effect on respiratory, it's mostly used for oral or skin infections.
    Try appealing to family and lady friends that may have Cipro, it is a medication used by many "woman."
    Amoxicillin is another ab often prescribed with a pill or two left un taken one may have in their cabinet.
    State Licensed
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