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Thread: Release Question

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Question Release Question

    I am preparing to open the squirrel door at the top of my release cage. This is my first squirrel to soft release. Any words of caution? Advice? Timing? Should I close the squirrel door in the evenings if she continues to return?

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Release Question

    I usually release first thing in the morning, that way they have all day to explore and adjust. If she does return to sleep, I would defiantly close the door at dusk to protect her from any predators that might try to get her and then reopen first thing in the morning. Good luck with her release - I hope she does well out there and enjoys the trees!
    Life is not measured by the breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.

    "Don't cry because it's over - smile because it happened." Dr. Seuss

  3. Serious fuzzy thank you's to lennysmom from:

    Mennome (06-15-2016)

  4. #3
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    Default Re: Release Question

    Quote Originally Posted by Mennome View Post
    I am preparing to open the squirrel door at the top of my release cage. This is my first squirrel to soft release. Any words of caution? Advice? Timing? Should I close the squirrel door in the evenings if she continues to return?
    How old is the squirrel you are releasing?

    I like to make certain there is a few days of nice weather in the forecast. I do not want them to be scared and get disoriented by a thunderstorm those first few days. It is a challenge starting around now in GA since for most of the summer there is 80% chance of isolated thunderstorms every afternoon! Open the door early morning to give them the entire day to get accustom to things.

    I also prefer to open the door on a day when I will be home all day to keep an eye on them. Yes, close the door in the evening if she returns... especially if the "door" is large enough for raccoons to enter. Then re-open early the next morning. Leave the door open if she does not return, but make it so a squirrel can enter but not anything larger like a raccoon.

    My experience is females tend to stop coming back within a week... they get busy building (or refurbing) a nest right away. The boys seem to not think about a nest for a week or so.

    I usually wait at least a week of them not returning to the RC before closing it back up. They may move into a nest only to get evicted after a few nights and then return to the RC.
    This is a very exciting time, watching her in the treetops for the first time.
    It is also nerve wracking and full of anxiety when they get out of eye sight or do not return back to the RC.

    We love pictures!

  5. 4 TSBers pass along the fuzzy thanks to Spanky:

    lennysmom (06-14-2016), Mennome (06-15-2016), Sara in NW MS (06-14-2016), Snowy (06-15-2016)

  6. #4
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    Question Re: Release Question

    Awesome encouragement and release advice. I appreciate the ideas and your experiences. Dibble is 9 mos and a Female. Do you think I should move her Squirrel house/nest (she has two actually) outside to a nearby popular tree? Cedar tree?

  7. #5
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    Question Re: Release Question

    Since Dibble has been in the release enclosure, she does not want to eat very much of her HHB. She is eating her veggies, ignores her salad, eats the wild foods I bring her, eats dirt, roots in ground, etc. Any concerns from anyone?

  8. #6
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    Default Re: Release Question

    Quote Originally Posted by Mennome View Post
    Do you think I should move her Squirrel house/nest (she has two actually) outside to a nearby popular tree? Cedar tree?
    Yes, I would hang one of the nest boxes up in tree. The higher the better but at least 15 feet up.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mennome View Post
    Since Dibble has been in the release enclosure, she does not want to eat very much of her HHB. She is eating her veggies, ignores her salad, eats the wild foods I bring her, eats dirt, roots in ground, etc. Any concerns from anyone?

    I find that with singletons after some time in the release cage they start showing less and less interest in the HHB, but I keep offering them until they are free in the trees. Also, when they are indoors I give them HHB and only HHB and they get nothing else until they eat that. In the RC they get their HHB along with the entire buffet.

    In group releases I think they eat them just so no one else gets to eat them! The whole "mine. mine, mine" mentality.

  9. Serious fuzzy thank you's to Spanky from:

    Mennome (06-20-2016)

  10. #7
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    Red face Re: Release Question

    Thank you Spanky! This was very helpful. She has thrived in her enclosure and certainly hasn't lost any weight, even with her appetite changes. I have to be gone 3 days this week, so Saturday....the trap door will open!!! I'm excited and sad to see her become the squirrel she almost couldn't be! Tears will flow, but our hearts will soar.

  11. Serious fuzzy thank you's to Mennome from:

    lennysmom (06-20-2016)

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