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Thread: Releasing single red squirrel

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2016
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    Default Releasing single red squirrel

    I have a red squirrel and I planned on releasing him in my yard.

    There are no squirrels what so ever in my yard.

    There was a red squirrle that lived in the large walnut tree in my yard who had babies in the past.

    I've lived here for 2 years, I seen the red squirrel in the winter but haven't once in many months now.

    Do you think she's nursing babies or did she move on? I would think I'd see her collecting food or chirping (she's really loud)

    Do you think it's an ideal area to release him or will he be lonely? He was found in a park 15 mi away.

    Also, will he need to be supplemented with food by me after release long term? I don't plan to be living here for more than another year or two.

    Thank you!

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Releasing single red squirrel

    Is your red squirrel named Leafy? I thought I saw that you had another thread with videos of him. How old do you think he is? I don't know anything about red squirrels and don't know when he will be old enough to release, but I'm guessing it will be a couple of months. Continue feeding him Esbilac or Fox Valley formula and when he's around 8 weeks you can offer a good quality rodent block like Henry's, Oxbow or Harland Teklad. Both Henry's and Harland Teklad can be purchased online. Someone who knows much more about red squirrels should be able to tell you the best place for release for Leafy. He's very, very cute.

  3. Serious fuzzy thank you's to Mel1959 from:

    KarmaKay (05-18-2016)

  4. #3
    Join Date
    May 2016
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    Default Re: Releasing single red squirrel

    Quote Originally Posted by Mel1959 View Post
    Is your red squirrel named Leafy?

    He really likes monkey biscuits, not so much of the rat block. Is that ok?

  5. #4
    DaSquirrelMom Guest

    Default Re: Releasing single red squirrel

    There is a reason why you don't see other red squirrels in your yard. 50% of their adult food consumption = pine seeds. Do you have any friends with lots of conifers or near a forest who might be willing to help with his release when he is ready ?

  6. #5
    DaSquirrelMom Guest

    Default Re: Releasing single red squirrel

    Quote Originally Posted by Squarl View Post

    He really likes monkey biscuits, not so much of the rat block. Is that ok?
    Yes, but rodent blocks or these
    might be healthier for him.

    Read the threads on this forum on how to wean (when he is developmentally ready). There is a chart that can help on the bottom of this site:

    If he is released where there are few to zero conifers, you will always have to supplement his food IF he stays there. If released where conifers are plentiful, it's a good idea to provide food and water for him for a month after he is released.

    I have Black Walnut trees in my yard and the grey squirrels will try to eat through their thick green husk, but they always give up. (I find green walnut husks with 1/10 of the green husk removed, but I never find any opened walnuts or shells.) I wouldn't count on these being a food source for your smaller red squirrel.

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