Squirrel is doing really well but still doesn't have full use of his legs as in her climbs but can't perch or stand upright anymore. Also he's been picking his fur out. Is this bc he's in season? He suddenly started it but was a bit of a maniac for a couple weeks and has since calmed down.
I'm not sure about the pulling fur out. I don't know if that's something they do when it's mating season or not. Or if there would be a medical reason or not. If you don't get a response you might need to pm someone or ask in a new thread.
This is the first time I have read about your little one, and I am so happy to see it is turning into a success story. I realize he has a little way to go, but you have done an outstanding job of treating him for the MBD. I sincerely hope he is eventually releasable.
I have no advice regarding your Q since I only feed the Wilds, not rehab them. I am really just writing to say thanks for saving a life. There are tons of qualified folks on here who should know, though.
(What do you call him, by the way? I do not recall seeing his name.)
I suspect you may have something else going on here. If you started the mbd protocol in
December and followed it through you shouldn't be seeing this now in March.
As far as the fur pulling I would suggest giving baby some Ib to see if it's related to pain.
If babies problems are related to nerve damage that could be another reason for the fur pulling.
Have you seen or suspected any "crawlies" on him? Being in season has nothing to do with it,
rabbits yes, not squirrels to my knowledge.
State Licensed
Wildlife Master Rehabilitator
I haven't seen him purposely pull the hair but he does groom ALOT so I assumed maybe it was related to him being in season. I don't see any lice on him or anything. He is doing really good and I hope he is able to be released but it'll be a little bit longer for sure. He acts still like he's weak in one leg although he does flip his tail, climb, etc. I call him squirrel baby lol he came to it do I thought it'd confuse him if I called him by anything else
Can i give my squirrel cream cheese? I never have but thought maybe cheese or cream cheese would be good for extra calcium. He still isn't normal and idk if his one leg will ever be 100% again. He's on hhbs still and I give him extra calcium but he's just not fully coming out of this lameness I hope he will one day and he seems happy and healthy but still gets weakness and one leg seems to be the problem. He climbs, jumps, and has a pretty normal life but can't hang upside down from his back feet like he should and sometimes the one leg kind of just slides out to his side like it goes weak/to sleep. He still can't perch on his hind legs and either leans on one hand or lays down to eat. Any advice?
I checked the Healthy Squirrel Diet list for Cream Cheese but could not find it on there... maybe I overlooked it?
I would strictly stick to the healthy diet until he is fully recovered, no need to deviate.
Nancy in New York (03-22-2016)
Spanky (03-22-2016)