My ground squirrel Rosie has became very sleepy lately she will sleep for about 20 hours a day, but she is active and alert, running around having fun when she IS awake though. So this has my wife and I very worried because she hasnt had any sunlight for about 4-5 days now. Is this a bad thing? I have been using hhb vita-mins and calcium supplements, I mix them in with yogurt and feed her it 2 times daily. She is a very picky eater but while awake she eats her food and drinks her fluids, we feed her a mixture grains, veggies and fruits, and let her snack on pumpkin seeds,(not to often). Could she be sleeping so much because the seasons changed? Or could she be sick? We let her run around freely in our place, and she has her own little bed under our blankets, its like super cozy, could it just be she's relaxed, because she can sit with me and my wife for hours. Well I think I have given about all the info I can, if any1 has any ideas theyd be greatly appreciated.
Thank You