Hi all,
Long story short, after a severe storm a nest of babies was found caught at the edge of a drainage pipe (no idea where the nest started out/if it had drifted down stream, etc.). One of the 4 had already drowned by the time they were found but the other 3 were given to me (I have successfully reared and released grey squirrels before and have the proper nipples, syringes, know which formula to use and how to acclimate them to it, etc.) They are approx. 7 weeks old gauging by their teeth and tails.
With plenty of hydration fluids and care, they all seemed to bounce back within the first 48 hours. That is, with the exception of the runt. By 5 am Monday morning it was clear from everything I have read that he had developed pneumonia (which none of the 8 others I've raised ever got-so this is new for me). It wasn't terribly surprising considering what they'd been through and I had to nurse him all through the morning as the only 'squirrel vet' here did not open till 9, and couldn't see us till 10:30. He made it though and the vet checked all 3, confirmed the diagnosis of pneumonia in the one and slight chest congestion on the left side in one of the others and gave us the usual baytril with dosing instructions.
Now it's been about 36 hours since his vet visit and there are definite signs of improvement- no clicking and an increase in alertness- though I still detect some respiratory distress and expect it to be awhile before he fully recovers. My question is this: what does one do to provide the best supportive care while he's healing? The vet recommended we get him to eat as much formula as he will take, and supplement with hydration solution to keep him from getting dehydrated, but that's not terribly specific, and as it is he will take only a fraction of the fluid his 94 gram body needs at a time-regardless of whether it is formula or hydration solution. This means I have to check on him fairly often just to ward of dehydration (as of now, his pee is not quite as plentiful as that of the others but it comes when stimulated and is very clear and he has pooped at least twice). I hate having to bother him so often when his little body must be so worn out already!
Any advice on humidity levels, feeding schedule, solution vs formula amounts, or anything else would be much appreciated! And thanks for reading. I tried doing a search for this before posting, but everything I found was for babies that *may have pneumonia or which are not being treated yet.