No big story, just a sad one... An ACO from a couple of towns over called me this afternoon. He said he had a baby squirrel that someone brought in that was caught in a glue trap. Of course, you know me, too dumb to say I'm I told him to come along with her. I opened the door for him and there he was with that poor flyer in a HUGE glue trap. I tried to get him to take off without the grand tour, but that wasn't happening. So I apologized for the smell and mess and ushered him into the squirrel circus I live in. He was so fascinated by them that I thought he wouldn't ever leave.
As soon as he did I started putting oil on her and the trap since Pappy looked it up for me and said that was the suggestion. I got her face off and stuck a paper towel under it to get her off of the glue and not drown her in the oil I was pouring around her.
It looks like she probably tried to chew her own leg off to free herself, but her head must have gotten stuck and it prevented her from finishing the job (thank goodness!). I poured oil and worked her off a little at a time until she was freed. Crying all the while because it was so horrible...
I have since been using a towel with oil to try to clean her off a bit at a time. She looks horrible because of being drenched in oil. She didn't want hydration at first, but after a while she started to take it happily. She took several 3cc syringes of it and I was feeding babies so I offered her formula. She took 3cc once and 2.5cc the next time. That just thrilled me to no end! I have her in a tote in pillowcase material so as not to have her totally stuck on fuzz. I pray that I will find her alive in the morning. However, should she pass overnight, I will still be glad to have freed her. No living thing should know that terror EVER. I would love to get my hands on the idiots who did this to her and do it to them.
All in all, I am falling in love with flyers...
Thank-you all for the prayers and information to help me to help her.