I am getting 3 baby bunnies in that a dog found.... their eyes are open and ears are erect,
so I am putting them them to be between 10-13 days old with out seeing them.
Here are the instructions I am following (from TSB) --any thing else I need to know?
Upon Intake:
you can use plain goats milk to hydrate and get them going
1/2 cup Whole Goats Milk
1/2 cup KMR Formula
1.5 TBSP Colostrum or Benebac
3-5cc Heavy Cream
If you feel them and they feel cool you can give them a rice buddy.
Do NOT put them on heat, radiant heat only.
If they do not feel cool, they do not need heat.
Eyes open - put Timothy Hay in with them right away you can also give them plain rolled oats.
Eyes closed - no solids and they need to be stimulated to go potty. (bunny pee is alarmingly dark)
Feeding amount is 10% of body weight per feeding
Be aware they will do super sucking...they suck real hard and fast...just be aware.
Feed 3 times a day initially, then after a couple days you can go to 2 times a day.
They like their formula a lot warmer than squirrels do. Almost uncomfortably warm.