the dosage prescribed by AWARE was 5mg to every 1 KG SHE has taken the injection and seems to be doing well i thank you all for everything.
the dosage prescribed by AWARE was 5mg to every 1 KG SHE has taken the injection and seems to be doing well i thank you all for everything.
that's all i ever really wanted! great job!
now, despite that moment of insanely extreme euphoria (harharhar) please keep an eye on her AND your cat. both could still have obtained germs from the encounter, though hopefully it will be ok now.
also, stay on the board! i know the urgency is gone now but we love to hear about babies and answer even the smallest little questions that people have.
Glad the little tyke is getting the antibiotic. It is always better safe than sorry. I hope the little guy is alright.
Thank you for the welcome even if it is a little late LOL i really enjoy this board and will keep you posted on Loki's development.mjs
yes, we're here to help!
if you want, you could start a thread ALL for loki in the nursery. you could make the first post a little biography for us- how you found her, what you've been doing for her, etc.. we love to hear stories and we can help you monitor her basic health.
also feel free to peruse our extensive information on babies here. there are a LOOOOOOT of little things to add on to the basic stuff, and a lot of them greatly increase the squirrel's chance of survival!
again, to the board! now you can be a NuT just like us!