Quote Originally Posted by Duckman View Post
I know you care, because you would not have posted here if you didn't. Please don't steal her and jeopardize your family stability, but if she even hickups, please call me and I will be on my way to meet you. Red paint would give her red poops, not red urine. Red urine only happens when there is blood in the bladder or kidneys. If there is a leak, it is only a matter of time, but I have told you this over and over, as you know. I do feel for you and please remember this. If Louise dies, it isn't your fault. You did everything you could for her. I know I was harsh at times, on the texts, but it was only to try to get it across to your mom and brother the seriousness of the situation. Please send me a text tomorrow, if she makes it through the night. I sleep with my phone right next to me, but I won't wake up to a text, so if you need me to be on the road right away, please call me and then I will know to watch texts. Bless you and your little Louise. You two will be in my prayers!! Louise
I appreciate your help so much. I knew your harsh tone wasn't directed at me, and I appreciate you being so honest about what can definitely happen to her. It's not comforting to get further confirmation that her red urine is likely from blood in her bladder or kidneys, and not the result of something she ingested, but I feel slightly better knowing that I'm not overreacting like they accused me of being. Honestly, overreacting is infinitely better than underreacting when the health of an innocent living being is in question. There was this moment where my brother stood in front of Louise's cage, looking into her eyes, silent. He touched his nose to hers. This lasted for a couple minutes. I honestly thought he was going to tell me that I could take her to get seen by a vet, because I honestly thought he cared that much. But he'd rather be stubborn and use his bad experiences to impair his judgement of what is right for Louise. I can't believe he could look into her eyes and decide that the remote chance of a vet treating her and making her worse is more significant than the very high chance that she has blood in her urine that needs to be diagnosed and treated by a professional. This definitely changes the way I see both my brother and my mom. I've learned an important lesson: Whenever an innocent animal could be brought in by us, I need to do everything in my power to find it a better home before it ever enters our house.

If a miracle happens and they change their minds, you will be called in a heartbeat. I'll update you tomorrow after I wake up and see her.