I would like anyone who feeds multiple squirrels to chime in on a discussion on what you feed your squirrels. When I just had 3 or 4 NR's and a few rehab babies, it wasn't difficult. I just followed the healthy diet with the recommended HHB's. But as time went by, I found myself with more and more squirrels. Up until yesterday, I had 31 squirrels in my care that I was feeding. I say up until yesterday because yesterday we released 14 squirrels! I hope to update my release thread soon with pictures!

So now I have three NR's, 14 squirrels that I am overwintering for a spring release and another young one that will be brought to me the middle of the month for overwintering and release. In about a week, eleven squirrels will be brought to us to overwinter for a spring release as well. I am still feeding the just released squirrels as I leave their release portals open so they can come and go and have their new wild diet supplemented with the fruits and veggies they have been used to. After a month or so, I will start closing up release cages and make the release cage available to the oldest squirrels I am overwintering. So at that time there will be 29 squirrels being fed here.

What do others with large numbers of squirrels they are responsible for, feed them? I have heard of some that are on a rodent block only diet, others the same but supplemented with fresh veggies and some fruit. What rodent block do you use. I have been using Mazuri that I get from Petsmart but I found out that some feed stores have this block or can get it in 50 pound bags for much less. One rehabber was telling me that she pays, I think, $20 for a 50 pound bag of rodent block. I'm not sure what brand.

Any info will be appreciated!