It's an Indian palm squirrel of about one and a half years of age, she has been regurgitating foamy liquid from her mouth(similar to human spit) since morning, but she is willing to drink water and eat food but immediately regurgitates after. Also there are no droppings and urination since afternoon. There are no vets who specialize in wild animals in my area, I contacted an online rehabber and she told me to provide the squirrel with two-three drops of ondansetron liquid. What is the possible course of action that can be done now? I cannot get any physical help in my city, can you please suggest something? Should give my squirrel some antibiotics in liquid form? Can I give her pinch sized amount of baking soda mixed with curd? (I saw this remedy online that a vet suggested to relieve a stray dog suffering from food poisoning).