We came across a juvenile squirrel on the sidewalk near our house that wasn't moving, didn't react to us being right beside him, and then started shaking in place. He was in an area with a lot of dogs and cars, so we brought him home and will hopefully be transferring to Toronto Wildlife in the morning. In the meantime, please advise on what to do. He's having what look like seizures and oscillates between having no energy, lying in place and trying to move but shaking uncontrollably. I don't know what other information to include here, but if there's anyone on here who can help us just get him through the night as comfortably as possible for him, I'd really appreciate it. Thank you! Right now he's in our bathtub, lined with towels. We had him in a plastic box with some fleece, but he got out of it. I don't think he has the strength to get out of the bathtub. He looks young, but not a baby. This video shows his current condition, with the shakes: https://youtube.com/shorts/2wrkB8O6b7M?feature=share