Digestion in humans is slower than that of rats and other small rodents. Lab Research has determined that rats absorb nutrients and anti-nutrients like the insoluble form of (Calcium oxalate), into their bloodstream, better than humans.

In support of older squirrels, and all those the age of weaning, that no longer have incisors; combining ground rodent block and nutrient powders with liquid food grade sources added (cold pressed (organic) virgin coconut oil, food grade nutraceutical oils, and purified water) to support a gruel consistency. Mixtures that have a thicker, and/or sticky gooey consistency, have a tendency to stick to the flap on the back of the throat of rodents, where they can continue to build up and lead to gagging while eating. If a mixture is thick, thin it out before feeding; and should it dry out to where it thickens up; then add some drops of water to thin it out. As the saying goes; "Better to be safe than sorry.".

Take care, DF