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Thread: releasing rehabbed babies?

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  1. #22
    Join Date
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    NE Beleriand
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    Default Re: releasing rehabbed babies?

    Quote Originally Posted by astrll View Post
    it was definitely a bite haha! there’s a deep gash in my finger that looks like teeth. i think i didn’t notice because i was too focused on making sure she didn’t get hurt
    In situations where I need to handle squirrels and might get bitten, I have a pair of thick wool mittens with a leather mitten shelf outside them. Even if an adult squirrel chomps down and their teeth make it through the leather and wool, the teeth do not reach my hand.

    I have used these mittens many times, mostly when taking care of injured squirrels.

    I had one squirrel (Harry) about 3 years ago that was being overwintered who got extremely aggressive at about 6 months to where beyond the usual double layers of clothing and the wool/leather mittens I actually had to wear a fencing mask to protect my face.

    Yep, he actually bit me right in the cheek. I was using one of those big plastic face shields like for using a weed whacker and he got up under it and gave me quite the bite.

    After that, I went with the fencing mask, tucked under my hoodie with a towel tucked in over my throat.

  2. 2 TSBers pass along the fuzzy thanks to olorin19:

    astrll (06-24-2024), scoopysnack (06-24-2024)

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