Hello everyone,

I am writingto you because I rescued a gray squirrel on August 4th and he was a smol boy but had his eyes open (5 weeks maybe). My dog found him in a bush (he didn't do anything to the little guy) but he was very dehydrated so we kept him warm inside a box and gave him unflavored pedyalite for almost 2 days. We came here to research about care and got puppy milk for him until fox valley was back in stock. He later got aspiration pneuomonia which we treated with amoxicillin and keeping him hydrated because of the diarheaa as well as taking care of his gut health. He wasn't gaining much weight even though he was eating and a bit active, we really thought he wasn't going to make it at first because he was so sick but he did! A brave little guy.

Bruce Felipe Dinguson (that's the name, in honor of Bruce Dickinson) is doing great now and we think he is weaning since he is no longer drinking the usual amount of milk but we are still feeding him milk mostly at night (around 9cc or 7cc depending on his mood) which is when he doesn't reject it and through out the day we feed him broccoli, cauliflower, two nuts, two fruits (a combo of raspberries) as well as 3 henry's healthy blocks (how much of everything should we be feeding him). As of today (09/12/23) he weights 195 grams and keeps gainnig weight every day.

We know his time to be released is coming soon (this weekend perharps?) but we are not sure if he is ready yet. We live in a city's downtown (we live in FL) and we have read in here about releasing at the location you find them or as close as possible but it's a downtown, we were thinking at my sister's complex since she lives in the suburbs and there are giant trees and green spaces in her apartment complex so maybe she could keep an eye on him for a bit after releasing him? I know we can't mark him with anything bright to protect him from pedators but maybe som sharpie on his tummy could work?

We greately appreciate your time and all your inputs on this, I am attaching some pictures so you can see him and have better understanding and maybe give us a more informed opinion. Thank you in advance!

When I found him:

And these were today: