I have a baby pinkie (probably about 2 weeks old.) found him Wednesday night, tried reuniting with the mom 5 times in 2 days.) She wasn’t interested. (We actually saw her come more than once, look, and leave!) So I took him in. Gave him some pedialyte Wednesday night Thursday and Friday. In between that I had tried some puppy formula, but very little because my rehab contact told me to stick to only pedialyte for a few days. He pooped and peed ok for the first little while. Yesterday I was given Fox valley and introduced it slowly. He started having diarrhea yellow, green, a bit slimey even. I panicked and went back to pedialyte for a feeding. I switched back to puppy formula because I read about “sludge” horror stories and I was really scared. Diarrhea stopped, he is peeing a little (not extreme amounts but he still does a bit,) but had not pooped since the diarrhea last night.
I am wondering if I should keep giving pedialyte or something else in between feedings? I read that it is normal not to poop for a few days from a new formula, and I’m not sure if he is dehydrated if he is still peeing a tiny bit…? So what I need to know is is it safe to continue pedialyte (I read it has a high salt content, so I maybe should not do it for too long.) any advice would be greatly appreciated!