I don’t want to start a scandal if there’s a chance I’m wrong, but I’ve had 3 babies over and one opossum die when they were given FV 32/40. I’ve used it in the past with no problems. Is there a current issue with it? I was a GME user for the longest time as a vet, but when I got my rehab license many people recommended the switch to FV 32/40. I’ve never lost a baby to anything other than severe injury/sepsis in the past, and I’m crushed.

They were all appropriately warm, hydrated, gradually put onto diluted formula. A couple even received metoclopramide, simethicone, massage, SQ fluids, warm soaks, etc.

I switched to a new bag, same problem. I started two of them on GME then transitioned to FV because of the other rehabbers urging me to do so. I checked the boards for any recent FV recalls but didn’t find anything, so I went ahead.

Both were fine on GME but got cement gut and died after 24-48h on FV. They didn’t appear bloated, and they were eliminating. I performed necropsies on all 4–nothing notable except a curd of milk in the gut.