
This message is bittersweet but necessary.
The squirrel I have overwinter is ready to live her best life.
For her release process I encounter a couple of problems that I hope someone could give me some advice on

• she cannot be released where I live and
• she is tame (only with me)

She is very healthy and probably around 6 months of age.
Everyday she has playtime out of her cage for at least 2 hours and she is able to run and jump some highs, she is also able to open nuts and I’m pretty sure she will do great in the wild.
The problem is that she is quite attached to me and I can’t start the releasing process where I live, I have read that ideally she would need to spend 3 weeks in a pre release cage outdoor and I should talk to her during the first week for like an hour or so and reducing the time progressively and then stop the contact completely.

I have find a very kind rehabber that could take her and put her outdoors with other 2 squirrels that are going to be release in 2 weeks, but I wouldn’t be able to come to see her or to be present at anytime in her first week.

I guess my question is :

when you have a tame and singleton squirrel what’s the best option for her release, what will be the least traumatizing for her?

I live in Massachusetts so if anyone could help me out with her release I would be very grateful.

Thank you !!!