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Thread: Rescued Paralyzed Grey Squirrel - Treatment and Care

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2020
    New Hampshire
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    Default Rescued Paralyzed Grey Squirrel - Treatment and Care

    Hello, As I was leaving for work today I observed an adult grey squirrel in my driveway that appeared to have lost use of its back legs and tail. When I returned home the squirrel was still in the driveway and I confirmed that it displayed hind leg paralysis. The squirrel's tail also appears to be abnormally flat, there is also some mild redness on the squirrel's back, though there appears to be little to no swelling. I have been unable to examine the back legs in any detail as the squirrel tends to position its body over them and I am reluctant to spook the squirrel with a more forceful examination.

    Since the squirrel seemed to like hiding under cars and I feared that it would be accidentally run over; I lined a cardboard box with some newspaper and cut out a side to form a ramp. I then lured the squirrel inside the box with minced grapes and strawberries. The squirrel appeared eager to eat and displayed fairly adept movement with is remaining legs. I am uncertain if there are any other immediate actions I can perform to help the squirrel's chance of survival through the night.

    The next part of my question is what to do with the squirrel tomorrow. My understanding is that most wildlife rehabilitators will euthanize a squirrel with hind leg paralysis as it cannot be rehabilitated and returned to the wild. Given that the squirrel appears to be in good condition besides its paralysis, I am reluctant to have it euthanized if the possibility of a happy and healthy life in captivity remains. My state does allow for owning a squirrel as a pet provided you have the correct license, which I do not have, and I am uncertain if I could get away with bringing the squirrel to a vet without having the proper documentation. While I possess medical training (and the ability to write prescriptions) I lack the knowledge of what I should be doing to help the squirrel myself.

    I would appreciate any help and assistance in this matter.

  2. Serious fuzzy thank you's to hexxart from:

    RockyPops (05-21-2020)

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