Hi! I have a little girl who is 134g approximately 5 weeks old. Eyes open, bottom teeth showing, still waiting on top to break through. I got her back on Monday after she spent a week with the vet to have botflies treated, and she was sent home with antibiotics (not sure which), and has had diarrhea for 3 days now. I've adjusted amounts of formula that she's getting thinking that I just overfed her (she was eating 7% of weight when I dropped her off with the vet, which is also where I picked up initially). She's eating fox valley 20/50 and henry's blocks are being more shredded than eaten. Poop is mustard color with a very strong scent, like spoiled milk. I am supplementing with additional fluid (pedialyte once per day, warm water otherwise between feedings). Any ideas?
Thanks in advance.