Hi. I'm new to this board. I joined to get help for a young squirrel my husband found outside around dusk. It was hiding in a twisted part of wisteria and shaking pretty bad. Upon further investigation I noticed that when he tried to walk/run he kept his right front leg up and close to his body. He got scared of our presence, even though we kept our distance and tried to climb a tree. He climbed up about 15 to 20 feet having a very hard time all the way....clinging with his nails. He fell from that height onto his right side like a ton of bricks. He stayed there for a minute, obviously winded and then stood up and was shaking. From pain? It doesn't look like he is rabid. We kept checking on him throughout the night and this morning. He has now moved under a vehicle and is hiding under some leaves. He is obviously in pain. We dont want him to be a sitting duck for predators. What can we do to help? As far as we know he has not eaten or had any water. Just an fyi, we have successfully cared for a squirrel before that had been abandoned by its mother and we had it for quite some time.